Thursday, October 24, 2013

Would it be another way

My dear friend asked me to write about whether or not I would be so involved in Kloey's milestones had she come first instead of Kourtney. And the answer is... I'm not quite sure. I believe that I would have been eventually but maybe not from the very start of her life.

To be sure, I definitely would not have had anything to compare it to so most likely I would not have been so good about keeping up with her therapies. I probably might have thought that there was no reason for the therapies and been less active in them. 

But I will say this, I got to see Kourtney develop and grow so quickly and because of that I knew what to expect. But it also went too quickly. With Kloey I get to slow down and appreciate my baby girl for so much longer than most people get to enjoy their babies. I like that I have my experiences with Kourtney to refer to when I need to know just how great Kloey's doing or to see what we should really be focusing on in her therapies. 

To sum up, I wouldn't want to switch them around. I learned first from Kourtney and because of that I don't feel the need to pressure Kloey to do the same things that I've seen Kourtney do. Because I know now that everything and everyone works in their own time... not our's. And I love that I can embrace that. 


Angie said...

:) You know I just had to ask. I was sitting here thinking about their personalities and how they just have such a bond that what if they were switched in their birth order? I wondered if that would have affected the way you would have raised either of them? If having Kloey first and being able to take your time with learning news things would have affected the way Kourtney would have been taught. I remember Kourtney just FLEW through her baby stages and that she was always so smart at comprehension and then being able to replicate it. Then just imagining her as the second daughter with nothing really to go by as to how she should be excelling. Would she have just blown you out of the water with how quickly she learned things? Would it have made the girls bond as close as it is now or not? I wonder if Kloey would have been jealous maybe? I don't know, I just happened to have this idea bounce through my brain and thought I'd let their mother feel it out. :) I think that God had a plan with what order their births should be as well as their personalities, etc. Obviously He knew what was right and good and I'm glad for that. I'm really glad these girls have you guys and that their home is such a fun, loving environment. It's just neat how things work.

Angie said...

Oh, and read my blog woman! :) At least if we can't talk you'll know what's going on with my surgery. :)