Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Life is all about changes

It has been over a month since my last post. what to say what to say... it's not like anything new and exciting is happening in our life ;)

  • Move across the country... what the heck is that about?!! I miss my family like crazy. The Hansen's are much much much different than my family. I want to hug my mommy.
  • WE'RE PREGNANT!!! This one is proving to be extremely different than the last one. I can't eat sugar, I'm not nauseous all day just part of it, and I've started to get headaches. I kind of think that maybe this one is a boy. We will see.
  • My boobs hurt. Sorry... but they do. Like, just shoot me now.
  • Kourtney is an angel pretty much all of the time. We are very lucky to have such a sweet girl. (although she really does enjoy torturing Noodles)
  • Jordan is going to school... we just have to enroll him.
  • We move to Rexburg in less than a week. I am pretty jazzed to have my own space again. Kourtney hasn't had a bedroom in over 2 weeks. No fun.
  • I cry a lot... like a lot a lot a lot. blegh.
That's pretty much all I have right now. I'm just really really super tired. realllllly realllly realllly tired.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


three things about you:

  1. You are the best decision I've ever made!

  2. You are even more handsome than the first day I met you, if that's possible.

  3. You teach/have taught me more about life than I ever thought possible.

three things about our life:

  1. It's crazy, loud, and wildly unpredictable.... I like it.

  2. What it lacks in worldly finances it makes up for in righteous lovin'. :)

  3. It's fun. Point Blank. We have so much fun on a daily basis. I think that's crazy important.

three things that you've taught me:

  1. Don't sweat the small stuff... relax and laugh. (you're still much better at that)

  2. When the big stuff comes around... pray, have faith, laugh. Everything will be alright. (you're still much better at that one too)

  3. We're in this together. We're equal. We come to eachother and lean on eachother when life gets tough.

three things about us:

  1. We're still wildly in love... even more so than this time 3 years ago.

  2. We understand eachother's weird/crazy/annoying little quirks and have come to enjoy them... sometimes.

  3. We tend to get better at this marriage thing with ever passing year... this year is gonna rock!!!

three things that I hope:

  1. That our love for eachother continues to grow each and every year.

  2. As we embark on the new journeyings of life that we always look to eachother and hold on for dear life.

  3. That I can be even half of the wonderful spouse for you that you have been for me.

I love you Jordan Kade Hansen. You are, by far, the best decision that I have ever made. Our life together has proven to be imperfect, unpredictable, harder than we ever imagined, and crazy, but it is our life... together... and I don't want anything else. You are my forever. And I'm happier than ever!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stephanie here.
Going to talk about everything that I can BESIDES being broken.
here goes.

Kourtney counts to three (sometimes 5) but usually 3.
Jordan is counting down the days until he gets to put in his two weeks notice at "hell" so named by him.
My butt hurts from my workout on Monday. It's a good hurt.
Random. Get to the gym on Monday only to find that I had forgot my underwear. Thought I had placed them in my bag. I hadn't. Couldn't go home. Didn't have time. Worked out without any underwear (I was not about to wear my "everyday" underwear) ya know?
Jordan thought that was hot. I told him he was stupid.
Tried the NuvaRing. Won't ever do that again.
Kourtney hits her own hand when she knows she's done something wrong. Funny. We don't really do that. Honestly what I do is count to three. I don't even know what I'd do if I actually got to 3 half the time. Time out???
This third year of marriage has been bliss. If the rest could be like this then we're set.
Not to say it's been perfect. But it has been heavenly.
Next week we've been married for THREE years. I know. "newly weds". you all can suck it. feels like a lifetime to us.
I've never been happier than I am right now. Hubby. Kiddo. About to embark on a new adventure. Holiday season. It's grand.
Now a point of confusion. I work out regularly (just kicked it up a notch this week). Went to the doctor's office today. gained 3 pounds. Now, my clothes all fit the same. So does this mean that I'm gaining muscle??? I think so. I still look the same. But my legs feel better/stronger. Maybe that's it. (good thing. that's what needs the most work)
Got new glasses today. They're really cute. Almost in a librarian way. I like them.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


It's gonna be quite the ending to our year! December 20 we head out! WOW!

  • Moving Truck-check

  • hotel for night one-check

  • hotel for night two-check

  • excitement for staying with Mom and Dad for a week and a half-double check

  • apartment to live in-check

  • school to attend-check (what a relief)

  • being completely broke after this move-triple check (like we're not used to that)

  • mixed emotions-quadruple check


HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to where it all started

Friday, November 5, 2010

toO LonG

I chose these pictures b/c they show me doing what I love most... being Kourtney's Mommy. I am working because that is what my family needs from me right now but I would much rather be at home with Kourtney. Working is not awful... but she is much more fun (and much cuter than the grumpy boss :P ) I just really hope that she knows that I love her more than anything! Too bad she wouldn't understand it if I looked at her and said, "It won't be too long... just 6 more weeks and I'm all your's". I know school will be tough but it won't be 9 hours a day. That's just brutal. Not to mention, I work days and Jordan works nights. I miss him too! Ah well.... It won't be too long... :)

Friday, October 29, 2010


OH, our Kourtney! Such a power struggle we have. She is oh so sweet, independent, hungry for candy (all the time), loud, louder, and really loud!!!
She has to do things by herself... at her convenience. While sitting on the potty she waves you out of the bathroom. She has to do it alone. But at other times she just can't seem to cope without you. Stubborn. She's very... I don't even know the word.
We've had several people tell us (people who have gotten to know her) that she has the air about her of a natural leader. Good for later, frustrating for now. Really, I've heard that a number of times from different people. It makes me proud yet exhausted. She is exhausting.
She is a fast learner, very smart. She repeats everything (right now she is fake crying just to get my attention) booger head. She has picked up sign language very well. She is a master at trying to work us (we're on to her though). She loves dance class... and singing. She loves reading and coloring. She loves watching movies. When someone sneezes she says "ess ooo" (bless you). Sweet. When I'm not feeling well she comes up to me and says, "ooo ahkay???" (you okay?). I love it. When we tell her no she tells us no right back. When I give her "the mommy look" she melts and throws herself down on the floor. She doesn't make any noise... just throws herself onto the floor. Nice. She likes to cuddle her baby dolls. And then throw them on their heads. Lovely.
She really keeps me entertained... never gives me a moment to settle down and think "hey, maybe I've got this Mom thing under control". No, she always has something new up her sleeve. She is my greatest lesson. My greatest test of patience and my greatest trial of understanding!
She is so much like me... a blessing and a curse. She is very much like her father too. I guess she just has a double dose of stubborn... poor thing.
Having a child really is like what they say... it is having your heart walk around outside of your body.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


How we love our crazy Kourtney :)

How I love my adorable family!!!!

These handsome fellas are my new twin nephews... my sister is very tired.
This gorgeous girl is Alicia. She and Kourtney play and fight like sisters. They love eachother.
I was just thinking about how excited we are to be moving to Idaho. Then I thought of how little I'm going to see these very special people in my life. That bums me out. Moving is hard... no matter what. There is a happy and a sad to this moving story of ours. We will be so close to the wonderful Hansen's... but so far from the wonderful Stewart/Hills's. Oh, moving is bitter sweet.
So, those two adorable bundles of joy... they're really bundles of sleep deprivation. My poor sister is only sleeping for about 20 minute intervals at night. My family and I went to see her on Sunday, the girl just looks exhausted. To top it all off she has a C-section to heal from. When we were about to leave and head for home she broke down in tears. CaSandra is not one to cry very often. When she does cry then you know it's a big deal. My parents stayed an extra 3 hours so that she could get some sleep. Gotta love parents!!! I'm glad I don't have a little baby right now. Not to say that I don't want to ever have one... just can't put that on my plate at the moment.
Kourtney... she's 2 going on 20! No joke. But she really is very sweet and she is learning manners very well. Just don't let her get overtired or hungry or uncomfortable in any way.... what can I say? She takes after her mother. Jordan and I just love watching her learn and grow. I find it very hard to punish her or get on to her for something she does wrong. She's so funny and oh so cute! But believe me when I say... I do get on to her. She's so fun and so vibrant!!! She really keeps me busy and on my toes. The gym I go to has a daycare at certain times during the day... I love that 45 minutes of free time.... when I can go and exercise, relieve some stress, and just be alone. *SIGH* It is so nice.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



is a medical disorder characterized by chronic widespread pain and allodynia, a heightened and painful response to pressure. ... Other symptoms include debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance and joint stiffness... bowel and bladder abnormalities, numbness and tingling, cognitive dysfunction.--- Taken from Wikipedia.com

There is no cure for Fibromyalgia and no concrete way to test for it. In fact, patients who have it normally produce completely normal tests... As I have been.

What does this have to do with Stephanie???

Her doctor thinks that this is what she has. Two years of tests, surgeries, etc. has led to this conclusion. The only way to tell if this is my answer is to put me on some medication to see if it helps with my excruciating 24/7 pain. I am hoping and praying that it does. I can't take much more of this. I've reached my limit. I need a miracle and I need it now.

other symptoms (from Wikipedia):
prolonged muscle spasms, weakness in the limbs, nerve pain, muscle twitching, palpitations

(I found this one interesting):
Neck trauma seems to increase the risk of developing Fibromyalgia.

All of the symptoms that I have listed are symptoms that I experience everyday... I only left out about two from the Wikipedia site.

I just want to sleep. And I just want an answer. If this is it... I can accept that... I just want an answer. I'm so sorry that I seem so depressed lately. Really, I've actually been quite happy lately. Jordan and I are fantastic... Kourtney lights up my life... and things are just really really good. Well... except for this :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Kourtney is in dance class. Every Friday evening we get dressed up in our tutu and go to dance. She was a bit skeptical at first but now she just dives right in and does what the instructor does. It's so great. I love that we can do this.


I feel like I should be blogging. Yet, I just don't feel any words coming to mind that really need sharing. Lately I've been going through a difficult time... just this random blue period. I can't explain it. I don't know. I need a happy list.... that's what I need.

Things that make me Happy:

  • My husband.. my oh so goofy, nothing gets him down, spontaneous husband.

  • My daughter... my ever growing, more monstrous and independent everyday, wonderful daughter

  • Praying... I find myself doing this a lot during the days lately

  • Waking up in the morning... at night I mostly just dream about pain just to wake up and find that I'm in tons of pain... I don't like sleeping

  • Cooking... when I have the energy to do it, I really do love to cook/ bake/ all that jazz

  • Writing... I don't do it much anymore (the more pain you're in the less your creative juices flow)
  • Family.. family really does make me happy. Some are crazy and rude and whatever (not directed at anyone in particular) but they still make me happy and I still love them
  • Fall... Welcome. I love fall. Yes it does mean that winter is fast approaching. But how can you not love sweaters and leaves and pumpkin patches and ALL OF THE BEAUTIFUL COLORS!!! I just love it!!!
  • Taking pictures... this is something that I really do love. I love to learn different techniques and different angles, find new spots, and just about all of it! I do love it.
  • The idea of going back to school... totally jazzed for that. (not jazzed about the price of moving but HEY! oh well)
  • the temple... the temple makes me happy happy happy :)

That's that folks. Hopefully, given a little time, I will get out of my blue funk. Until then, we might be seeing more of these "Happy List" blogs. Ta Ta :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

How long has it been???

Hi Friends. We are indeed alive... and quite well. It's actually been really nice to take such a long break from the computer/internet scene. SO... a lot has been going on in our lives. Kourtney is 2... gets bigger everyday... talks very well (I can't keep up with all of the new words she's learning everyday so I stopped trying)... sleeps in a toddler bed... pulled a muscle yesterday and couldn't walk (lovely)... loves going to the park EVERYDAY!!!... loves loves loves anything and everything that makes her feel pretty... starts dance class this week, she'll be doing the Polar Express for Christmas recital they're starting with tap and tumbling! how adorable!... she sings ALL THE TIME!... she dances ALL THE TIME!!! I love that she is so much like me in so many ways. We have such a fantastic time together. I love teaching her and being at home with her. She definitely is a huge blessing in my life and an extremely good little girl. She, for the most part, has very good manners, listens very well, and has an amazing and very sweet spirit. She is a special little girl.
Jordan is fantastic... he just got moved into a new program at work which has him working longer hours... he is a hard worker... he helps me through/understands all of my health issues... Kourtney loves when he is home... I love listening to them play and sing and goof around... He has a friend staying with us right now... that makes me happy that he's found a good friend... he's been called to be a teacher in priesthood... he's nervous... I know he'll do great... he's goofy... he's smily... he's annoyingly happy ALL THE TIME!..... AND I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE HIM!!!

I have recently had a very emotional weekend. I found out when I was 10 years old that my father was not my biological father and that I had two more brothers and a little sister! Geez! So... I've been waiting for 12 years to meet them. 12 YEARS!!! Imagine my excitement when my mother calls me on Saturday and tells me that my Aunt Linda (my bio. father's sister I LOVE HER) is in town and that she has one of my younger brothers with her! WHAT?!! I sure as heck wasn't prepared for all of that! He's a lot different than I am that's for sure. But he is family and I love him. I hope to be able to get to know him better. We only spent one day together but it was well worth it. It was interesting to have him sitting in my house all of a sudden! We were comparing features and talking about Sonny (father) and how Rachael and I never knew about them until we were 10 and 11. Turns out my brother and I have the same eyes, hair, and feet! Crazy! And, apparently, my little sister is just like me... hyper and outgoing and crazy! (and apparently we dress alike) that's very exciting for me. It was all very nice yet very strange. I was able to keep my emotions in check and I was very proud of myself. What I mean by that is I didn't cry at all. I didn't let on that it was an emotional thing for me... I'm so very happy that he wanted to meet us. So so so happy!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

OH.... goodness

I miss my computer with all of MY pictures :(
We have to re-do the whole stupid thing.
Viruses suck.
I'm taking pics of my brother's girlfriend today.
She's pregnant and due like... tomorrow.
Well, soon anyway.
I miss my husband... he is working right now.
I love that even though to the world's standards we are really poor.... we feel very rich.
Kourtney is sooo smart.
We enjoy her more and more everyday.
I love laughing with Kourtney.
When she does something silly just to make me laugh it's wonderful
Then we laugh together as if we're the best of friends.
Her two year molars are coming in (and taking their sweet time at that!)
Poor baby is in a lot of pain.
Jordan and I have reached a new level in our relationship.
One of pure bliss.
One of unselfishness.
One of togetherness.
One of loveyness.
We did the cheesiest most wonderful thing last night...
We sat together on the couch, my head in his lap, and stared into eachother's eyes forever...
and then talked about the future, our love, our little family :)
We are blessed.
We love the gospel more everyday.
It's fantastic to try to remember the Lord in everything,
To serve others,
even if it's just to put a smile on someone's face.
We love it.
I love him.
We love life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

no computadora

We've had a virus forever now and we can't get anyone to come work on our computer! and actually, I'm not devastated about it. It's been quite nice to not have the distraction. We don't waste any time watching tv show, or facebooking, or blogging. I do actually need it sometimes for certain things but it has helped me to discover myself. I'm expanding my talents and I'm exploring new ones and I am absolutely loving it. I scrapbook more and I'm making other little random things... like a little music maker for Kourtney. It's adorable and I made it from a paper towel roll. It's cute. I'm singing more and I love it. My voice is not quite back to what it was in high school but if I keep practicing everyday it will soon be even better than that. I'm reading my scriptures more and it's absolutely wonderful!!! I've been reading about 13-15 pages a day. My goal is to be done by Wednesday of next week because institute starts on Thursday next week and we're studying the Doctrine and Covenants. So, naturally, I have to finish the Book of Mormon before I start studying the D&C.

Spending more time as a family has been really special. Kourtney is learning and growing so fast!!! She definitely has a mind of her own. Oh boy... don't get her mad. These fits that she throws recently are just.... WOW.. but we don't give in. She's two... she knows when something isn't acceptable. Another thing... she's so SMART!!! About 5 new words a day. She points out animals, she sings, she dances (she loves ballet, lol). You say... Kourtney do your ballet! and she holds on to the wall, lifts one leg and moves it (slowly) in front of her and behind her, like a pretty ballerina. So so cute. She also thinks she's smart enough to trick Mommy and Daddy. If Mommy tells her no she goes to Daddy and tries to get him to say yes. Yeah. It doesn't work. And she gets ticked. Oh well. She spends a lot of time trying to whine herself into getting her way and making us give in.... AAAaaaahhhhhh.... to be two. Well, she will be in about a week! A week!!! Two years old. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone?

I wish that I had some pics to put up... I have plenty of pics but I'm not at my computer. :( Bummer. Ah well. Until next time then.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


There are so many things that I wish I could do
I wish I could learn,
I wish I could practice and perfect.

I would love to give my all to my family.
I would love to be able to work,
to exercise,
to cook,
to sleep.

To go through my day without being a zombie,
with some actual energy,
with no pain and no pain pills,
that would be heavenly.

I'm tired. I hurt. and I'm sorry for putting my family through this.
This last week it finally hit me... I am a sick person.
For real though... I am.
If it's not my neck it's my immune system failing to do its job,
or extreme fatigue,
or extreme nausea.

I wonder, what does it feel like not to be sick?
Some people will tell me that it is my subconscious that is making me sick.
That I have some memories or feelings that my body won't let go of and that's how I cope with it.
I've had some people tell me that it's all in my mind.
The past couple of years I have listened to said comments and followed their advice and tried to "heal myself".
It didn't work. Not to say that it doesn't ever work. I'm sure that it really could work for some people.
Unfortunately for me... I'm not one of those "some people".

So what now? I don't know.
At least I've come to the conclusion that I'm sick and that I haven't just needed a really long nap everyday for the past 2 years.
Yeah, I really don't want to feel like a zombie forever. I really don't.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rising Bar

Jordan is really encouraging me to start a little photography thing. Yyeeaaahhh... I want to, I really do. I just don't feel like I'm good enough. Or that my camera is professional-ish. I love love love taking pictures!!!!!! But, I don't know if I can really charge people for this... I have a lot of insecurities... I don't know. I'm not the most talented (nothing like some sister of mine *cough cough*) But who's comparing? ;) But really, I could really use some advice on this.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Some days I kill myself with the pool full of emotions that seems to start overflowing. It is on these days that I am so full of emotion that I can't even seem to put it into a poem or even sing it out of myself. It's not anger, resentment, hurt, or anything negative. Today it is good emotion. If there is such a thing. Today I'm amazed at my child and my husband. Amazed that they are mine. Amazed that they love me. Amazed that my husband can walk in the door at lunch while I'm covered in icing (from icing his cupcakes) and smile that knee weakening smile and say, "You are so adorable". What?!! Oh just take me now!!! lol

When my child comes in and begs to lick the icing from the mixer it just makes me think of when she was so tiny and I never imagined her walking into the kitchen and asking for anything! She's beginning to be one of my best friends. Laughing with her is so special to me. When she gets that big toothy grin of hers and her nose scrunches. Then she puts her forehead against mine and we laugh together in a way I never imagined when she was so tiny! She dances with me and sings with me and we color together. This bond that I have with this tiny person... I just never knew it would be so wonderful!

Looking at pictures also brings emotions so strong that I can't put them into words. I know, I'm pathetic. But I can't help it. It kills me that I have two wonderful families, neither perfect, but both perfect for me. That's not what kills me. I think of them being so far apart from each other and me having to choose which one I will be closer to. Being here kills me. I miss the Hansen's. I really really do. Jordan's mother is my mother, his sisters are my sisters and the same for his brothers. (Though I only really know one.) When we go out there I'll miss my mother and sisters and brothers. There will always be a part of my heart in Idaho and a part in Illinois.

God blessed me with this crazy emotional personality. I'm okay with that. I'm learning to keep the emotions in check and to let them come out at appropriate times. That's a really hard thing to do. When it comes to emotions I'm a world away from how I used to handle them... even just a few months ago. No, I'm not perfect at it, not yet. :) I'm getting there. But I do love all of this feeling that I have. All of this love that I have. Cheesy maybe, but true. Running from my emotions will never work for me... so I won't do that. But these "good emotion days" really do work for me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shoes Like You

Sweet Daughter,
Why do you wear my shoes?

Because Mommy,
They're pretty and high and shiny too!
In them I clap around just like you do!

My child,
Why must you throw my clothes about?

Because Mommy,
Feel them! They're oh so soft and silky and fun!
How oh so yummy they smell!!!

Oh Cute Baby,
Are you really going through my makeup bag?

Look Mommy,
Do I look pretty? Just like you?
I've seen you do it!
I want to do it too!

Dear Child,
Please Don't! Not My jewelry!
So organized and perfect!

Oh Mommy,
I feel so big and gorgeous!
With flowers, beads, and sparkles all over.
Smell me! I have on your perfume!

Tell me I'm pretty Mommy

Sweet Child,
You are so pretty
Why Must You Wear My Shoes?

Because Mommy...
.... I want to be just like you!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

PiCtUrEs of YoU

bath tub craziness.
Kourtney and cousin Loghan.
I took pics of my parents... they didn't like them. whatever. I do.
We still have those shirts! That excites me!!!
We miss you folks!!!
Alan and Doris took this of course.
My birthday 2008.
See... My family accepts this side of me. I've never been afraid to show it.
Jordan fits in well. The crazy one is my brother.
I know that these are really extremely random and most of them aren't recent but I love it!!!

So PRettY

Kourtney won't stop coloring on herself.
Her favorite song is "single ladies" she shakes her booty every time it's on. and she begs for us to turn it on. :)
Jordan is going to shoot a scene for a movie tonight. Not his movie, not yet.
I'll miss him. We've barely seen each other this week.
I'm happy that he gets to go work on this though.

Jordan's party is going to rock. I'm almost done with the preparations (until the day of that is)
I am very lucky to have someone as wonderful as him.
I'm obsessed with the time period of Henry VIII to the Elizabethan Era right now.
History... I love it!!!

I'm slacking in my scripture study. oops
Kourtney loves for me to hold her lately.
She hates eating (she doesn't get that from her mother)
We miss the crazy Hansen's.
I'm in my pajamas and it's only 7:30... and I've been in them since six.
I have a good excuse... I got a hold of gluten today. My body feels as if it's crashed.
It seems the longer you're on this diet and the more strict that you are with it the sicker you become when you get a little drop of something!

Jordan and I slow danced in the kitchen while I sang to him. Cheesy... I know... but it was sweet.
I love that he loves my singing. I'm not the best of the best but I really do have a passion for it.
Lately, I don't want to be around anyone but my husband and my baby. That's okay for me.
I just wanna chillax :)
I like chocolate.

I love being random.
And I love that people like my randomness

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I started work today. It was so hard to be away from home. Oh goodness. I hope that I can do this.
The day felt very productive though. I missed Jordan and Kourtney soooooo much! At lunch I ran out the door (forgetting to clock out lol) and rushed home to find an empty house :( sadness. Jordan and Kourtney got home right after I left to go back to work... more sadness :(
I did get a chance to see them before my shift was over though... it wasn't a happy reason... but I was happy to see them.
My feet kill... My back is dying! and my head hurts.
oh well... I need to work and I need it I think.

you know i'm exhausted when I'm at a loss for words lol.
So my sister is having a baby girl.
My other sister is having twin boys.
And I'm happy that I'm NOT pregnant.
Jordan wants to take me on a honeymoon.
He rocks my socks.
Kourtney likes to color on the walls....
When she is told no.... she just colors on herself.
Then she comes to us and points to her body art and says pieey (pretty) we can't help but smile and say yes pretty!
I came home to a clean house today. My husband rocks and it took a huge load off of my back!
I miss Jordan. I left a 9 am and got home at 5 pm. He left at 4 pm. :(
Really though... I am happy to be working. I'm just in the transition stage and that's always hard.
Kourtney gives me lots of kisses and hugs when I get home! It's good to be missed :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BuRn bAbY

Sunburns make me feel like I have a cold.
I look like a raccoon right now.
My mom made me gluten free chocolate zucchini bread last night.
I felt special and loved.
Kourtney has a favorite pair of pajamas.
She wants to wear them every night. I have to hide them when they need washed.
Kourtney has peed on the potty five times.
Now that she's done that she's uninterested in the potty for now. so funny.
Jordan is creating a zoo in our house.
He found a frog at the creek... he brought it home.
He found a caterpillar on the floor... he caged it.
We have (in our fish tank) two shrimp, two neon glo fish, three of some other kind of fish, another frog, a sucker fish... and that might be it.
He takes care of them so I could care less.
Kourtney gallops on her play horse.
She says one or two new words everyday. It's pretty hard to keep up with.
She likes to play by herself. She shuts herself in the closet and says, "Bye!".
Jordan is sick of me making pancakes.
In my defense... they're easy and cheap and I like them!!!
Jordan's birthday is coming up and his party is going to ROCK!!!

Life is hard to keep up with. Sometimes it's wonderful and sometimes I just would rather sleep through it. Jordan and Kourtney are wonderful. Jordan makes me laugh when I don't think that I can. Kourtney teaches me when I didn't realize I needed to learn a lesson. We have fun together. But sometimes... it's time for a break. That's when Angie comes in and rescues me. I have wonderful people in my life. I'm grateful for them (even the unmentioned ones) all.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fall Creek

We found the coolest creek EVER!!!! there were parts where we couldn't touch the bottom! It was Awesome!!!!!!!! Sure we trekked forever to get to where we wanted to be.... got some nice bug bites and all that.... but it was totally worth it and we WILL be going back. For sure! There was this amazing waterfall that you could sit on and just chill.... there was another waterfall (at the other end of the creek) that was good for jumping off of. It was perfect because right under the waterfall the water was deep!!! There was a rope to swing off of and everything!!! Oh what fun! The water was clean and blue green and it was just altogether a great day!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I love my kid! She gets smarter everyday. Some new words of Kourtney's:
  • blue- she knows the color and gets it right... it's just that almost every color is "blue" too. so cute
  • purple
  • apple- she recognizes an apple and says it perfectly
  • two- she knows that it's a number and recognizes it... but every other number is "two" as well. :)
  • PaPa- for both Nana and Papa
  • bird
  • kitty
  • baby- she's known the sign language for baby for awhile, now she knows the word.
  • outside- boy does she use that one alllll the time!
  • take a bath- when dinner is finished and eaten she runs to the bathroom saying "take a bath!" of course, not that clearly. cutest thing!
Daddy made her this cute screensaver on the computer, a fun educational one. She loves it! She begs for it. She loves loves loves reading books! She'll sit in her room forever just looking at and "reading" all of her books! I love that she's a bookworm. She's so girly. Yesterday I was painting my nails and she held up her foot for me to paint hers. She let me do it too! Whenever there's a necklace in sight she puts it on, pats herself and says, "Awww". She loves feeling pretty! Her manners get better everyday. We don't have to tell her to say please and thank you anymore, she just does it. She sits at the table with us now. She woke me up today with sweet kisses and laying her head on my shoulder. I caught her praying by herself the other day. At first I didn't know what she was doing. Then, she opened her eyes, looked up, and put her finger to her lips and "shhhh"-ed me! And she just went right back to praying. How funny! I love her. I love that Jordan is such a wonderful daddy. I love that we learn and grow each day because of her. I love her energy (most of the time). I love how smart she is. I love her smile and her giggles. What I really love though.... when she blows me kisses from her crib as I'm putting her to bed and then she waves at me and says, "Bye Bye Bye". I just love that.