Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sleeping Angel

 Just as most mothers say of their children, I love to watch Kloey sleep. At first I watched her sleep because I was afraid that she would stop breathing due to her troubles breathing and her being on oxygen and what not. Those were very scary months. But now I watch her sleep as I wonder what goes on in her little mind. She can't tell me, after all. I wonder why she was sent to me, what I will continue to learn from her and what kind of relationship we will have.
 But I don't worry about those things. You see, one thing that this diagnosis has taught me is patience. I should add love and complete acceptance there. I don't have to worry about when she will tell me what's on her mind. I know that someday she will speak to me with her voice and with words. I know that someday she will walk. I know that someday she will learn to read and write. And I know that someday we will have a relationship that will be envied. My daughter amazes me every single day. She started to walk around furniture last week. She knows how to sign to me when she wants to eat. She knows how to tell me that she is tired. She knows how to play with her big sister and get lots of laughs out of her. She knows that she has Daddy wrapped around her little finger. She is incredible.
The smile says it all!
Down Syndrome awareness month day 4 (making up for lost time yesterday)
There will be another post later this evening written by my wonderful husband!

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