Sunday, October 6, 2013

    I am Jordan Hansen, the father of a child with Down syndrome, these were/are my personal thoughts. Enjoy.  
    Down syndrome, right? What comes to mind when you hear those two words, Down syndrome. Curiosity? Fear? Disgust? Repulsion possibly? Don’t feel bad if all of these have gone through your mind. Just the word “Down” syndrome implies the essence of these things. It’s hard! These people are everywhere, and at the same time, we just have not spent enough time with them to literally get past what’s skin deep. It’s unfortunate the doctor that named it used his own. From here on out I personally will be referring to it as up syndrome, or maybe love syndrome, maybe happiness syndrome, or I like pure joy syndrome. Seriously there are hundreds of other synonyms that should come into one’s mind before the thoughts that do… just as they did in mine for 25 years.

    They are just rare enough that curiosity about what they’re like, how they act, if they think, if they communicate, if they share, do they speak, what do they say, how and what they feel, what emotions go through their heart, and let’s face it, why their eyes are like that, why are they a little shorter, do they notice me wanting to look without staring? We are curious by nature, and normally haven’t been taught, or spent enough time with them to get this out of our system, even if they are as close as a nephew or niece sometimes. It’s a wonderful thing to be curious! PLEASE! Ask questions, talk to us, share with us what you are thinking, let us help you understand how amazing they can be. And most importantly, talk to them! They are yearning for interaction, communication and attention. Be careful, they may think of you as their best friend and even possibly steal your heart with their love!
    It may be hard to talk to them, they’re different, you don’t know if you should talk to them like an adult or a child. They however have the tendency to be shy. Just ask them what their name is and how old they are, and then talk to them like any other person with a name at the age they say they are. Nothing more, nothing less. They mentally are that age believe it or not. After their early teen years, it’s possible it slows, but believe me, they know how long they have been alive, and the things they know they should be doing. It can be hard for them at times, it can get frustrating, but it’s okay, do not be afraid, they want to talk about those things!
     Let’s face it, they do look different, but don’t we all!? Who says that we aren't

the ones that look awkward. Heck, to us, in their minds they’re probably wondering why we all have such straight boring eyes, flat heads, and tiny frowning mouths. Don’t worry, unfortunately Joy syndrome is not contagious. Know that you won’t be hurt by shaking their hands, and that they won’t hurt you if you give them a hug. You’re not dealing with a silverback here. Now their smile on the other hand can rub off. It’s absolutely captivating if you stay around long enough to experience its shine
     When you see someone with Joy syndrome, (Sheesh I feel like I’m writing a brochure, it should not feel like this everyone!) you may have to urge to just run the other way as to avoid any awkward glances, thoughts, or heaven forbid conversations. This again is natural due to the rarity of time spent in their presence. If you only knew how full of joy, how much pure innocence they emit, your urge of repulsion would be one of gravity! I know I’ve said it over and over, but seriously, if I could just have every human being spend 10 minutes with my girl,  I would dare say that every fear of who they are would vanish from the mind of each of them. All she ever does is stare into your eyes with thought, wonder and admiration. She claps for every accomplishment you fulfill. She blows you more kisses than you could ever return. And she will for sure help you in anything you need done, especially if the task at hand is emptying your laundry hamper.  
    Curiosity, yes. Fear, Im sure. Disgust, nope, Repulsion, never. They have many feelings too, in fact more than we could ever imagine. For example, when they see you, the latter emotions mentioned would have also been accompanied by a happiness to see you. The desire to get to know you. The joy that you are even considering introducing yourself.
    Down Syndrome right? Wrong! I cannot possibly express how wrong! I’ll try it like this: Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong,
and one more for good measure: WRONG! All in caps.  Joy syndrome is what they have, and it’s what they spread. ENJOY them! They are treasures, and gems that we have been blessed to have on this earth. If you are one of the few blessed with the opportunity to have a child with happiness syndrome in your home, be grateful! Share her! Spread her joy. People will have emotions about it, but for the most part these days, they are just new to them. You think someone is staring? It’s ok, more than ok! Invite them over, introduce your loved one. Help them understand. Do not be afraid of bringing one of them into this world. Do not let what you don’t understand make your decision for you. Take the time to understand these people before you let your naivety and selfishness make it for you. If you deny that opportunity you are denying you, and your family the greatest blessing that can be bestowed to a family and anybody that family meets. At the very least, do not deny that to someone who would gladly take them into their home for those blessings. As my wife says and I've modified: “It’s only an extra chromosome, calm the freak down! (I've had to tell myself this on occasion :) They are not an alien, they are a child of God, just like you and I. A human, just like you. Flesh and blood, with a heart of pure gold. They unify a home. They enlighten it, and build it into a solid foundation, created by their acceptance and kindness. They are truly an example and presence of who God wants us to be.
    If you have any questions whatsoever about love syndrome, happiness syndrome, or pure joy syndrome please do not hesitate to ask. We do not judge, and will not only answer your inquiries, but encourage it.
                          With love,
                                               The Hansen’s

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