Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Every little milestone

To most this video may seem small and insignificant in terms of milestones. However, this occurred the other night here in the Hansen household and we were all ecstatic!!! You see, what this video shows is anticipation and imitation from our sweet Klo Bow. This is huge, as she has never ever done this before. It started the other day when she started to anticipate the end of a song and then put her hands up in triumph when the song ended and she was actually right! She was so proud of herself!!!!

The next night is when we captured this video. We noticed that she was muttering something in her room. (excuse her disheveled appearance... we were in the midst of bedtime routine when she quickly got away from us) When we came in to inspect we noticed that she was trying to say "yum yum yum" with Cookie Monster. I almost peed my pants with excitement!!! But really though.... I was that excited.

I am proud of my Klo. She is learning and growing so much. She now knows how to get onto the couch and then off of the couch by herself. She pulls to stand almost everywhere now. Next step is walking!!! Even her signing is getting so much stronger. She tells me when she wants to eat. She tells me when she wants milk, when she wants down, when she's all done. It's so wonderful. She's wonderful.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Might just be my computer but I'm not having much luck with these videos. They remain with the play button in their center. Am I doing something wrong??? :(