Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pictures say a million things

 Kloey loves loves loves books!!!! All books!!! She even loves my books, and that shows in all of the ripped pages. It's wonderful. She'll just sit down, gather a group of books around herself and then "read" them. And of course she alternates the reading between the watching of Sesame Street. Today I saw a photo opportunity and I just couldn't neglect it.

My baby is so smart. There is no denying that. She may not speak yet but she tells us what she wants. She may not walk yet but she gets around really quickly with her bear crawl. She is just so spirited and so funny! Enjoy.


Angie said...

And could this child get any cuter??? I THINK NOT!!! :) LOVE HER!

Pa Pa said...

You and Kourtney are Just Like Angels
I wish Pa Pa could go to your house and see you. I miss you all!

Pa Pa