Friday, October 4, 2013

It is late... but this still counts

Work sucked 12 hours out of my day today. Yes, twelve. However, I have tried to do my blog twice to no avail. Our internet was out all day long, a super annoying occurrence that has become all too frequent. But it is working now! Hurray!!!

I want to share lots of pictures and describe them so that we really get a sense of how wonderful Kloey is. Not only that, but also how wonderful the relationship between Kourtney and Kloey is.

Here we see that Daddy didn't have her carseat so he made do with Kourtney's. He was driving about 3 blocks, don't freak out. Anyway, she just fell asleep all spread eagle and chilled out. I just love everything about this picture.

So, Kourtney and Kloey adore each other. Occasionally we have some sibling scuffles but not really. As soon as we brought Kloey home from the hospital Kourtney started to adore her. She never even went through a jealous period. Kloey on the other hand, has started to push Kourtney off of Mommy's lap due to intense jealousy... oh boy!
 My husband took these pictures and I know they are not super great quality but they are just so precious in what they capture. Look at the love and comfort between these two. There are no stereotypes here. Kourtney sees her sister as her sister. And Kloey intends to be everything a typical sister would be.

 Shopping with Daddy is always big fun for my girls. Kloey has started to get restless though. She has hit the stage where she just wants to get down and explore every little part of the floor, doesn't matter where we are!
 In this picture I see my daughter. You may see Down Syndrome. But I see Kloey. A little girl who is pulling to stand at last! A toddler just learning to drink from a sippy cup. A smart girl learning how to communicate through sign language. A child that smiles almost every waking minute of the day. I see a blonde hair, blue eyed beauty. Some days I forget that she even has that extra chromosome. Because she is mine. She is my daughter. She is my Kloey.
 She discovered the shelves and all the mystery that lies within... what more can I say???

1 comment:

Angie said...

2nd to last photo...BAHAHAHAHAhAAH!!! That's freakin' hysterical!! I love how you caught her "exploring" the shelves! Too funny! These pictures are just fantastic! You know that's my favorite part! :) I started to tear up a bit, but kept it under control. I love this month of non-stop blogging. It's my favorite way to learn and absorb all that's going on with you guys and your babies. I just can't get enough of those babies, both are beautiful and wonderful in their own amazing ways. Wish I could see them everyday! :( They grow too fast! Throw them in the washer, would ya? Love to you all!