Friday, March 23, 2012



Thursday, March 22, 2012


We need a little more Kourtney Bear here...

Kourtney Loves:
being outside
her entourage of 5 very specific stuffed animals
being tickled
making friends
eating cookies
graham crackers and milk
swaddling and "burping" her baby dolls
saying, "shhh... my baby's asleeping"
Remember phrases..."Hey Mom, remember when we go outside and you play with me?"
Her Daddy
helping with her baby sister
dancing when Mommy sings
dressing up like a princess
making up her own songs

Kourtney hates:
bed time
anything that might be healthy for her
being told no
brushing her teeth
when Daddy teases her (and he is super good at that)
being made to think that she indeed is not the center of the universe
being put on the spot

This is my Kourtney. She will start school in the fall. I'm actually pretty thrilled about this. Sure, it is crazy to think that she is old enough for school already but I know that this will be really good for her. That's all I care about... what is best for her. She doesn't seem to realize that... in fact I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm out to get her 99.9% of the time. That's only the case 12% of the time ;)

World Down Syndrome Day

I know that I am a day late on this but I figure it's better late than never.
My daughter has Down Syndrome.
I knew before she was born... not because of a test but because I just knew.
The feeling scared me to death.
My pregnancy was clouded by this overwhelming fear of the unknown and also denial.
I felt detached from this child that I knew, for sure, would not be "normal".
Would she be made fun of?
Would she be pretty or not?
Would she speak normally?
Would she date?
Would she get married?

Could I love her?
Could I teach her?
Would I be embarrassed of her?
Would I be proud of her?

Would Kourtney love her?
Could they be best friends?

Many, Many things ran through my mind during that time. NOW... I realize how very little I actually knew.

She might be made fun of... and so will Kourtney.
She is pretty... BEAUTIFUL!!!
She will speak... she speaks now. I understand her "eyes" language, her "body" language, her "cry" language and her "smiley" language.
Maybe she'll date and maybe she won't... doesn't matter to me.

I LOVE THIS CHILD!!!! She can turn any bad day right around!!!!! Sometimes I want to shout from the roof tops, "MY BABY GIRL HAS DOWN SYNDROME!" and then do a jig just for good measure! I am more proud of this angel everyday!!! Her sister looooves her and so does her wonderful Daddy.

So... a child with Down Syndrome... well... it's not a whole lot different than a child without Down Syndrome. I just get to keep my baby for a whole lot longer.

Be Jealous :)