Sunday, October 7, 2012

25! ... 8%

October=Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Down Syndrome=a genetic disorder, associated with the presence of an extra chromosome 21, characterized by mild to severe mental impairment, weak muscle tone, shorter stature, and a flattened facial profile.

About  1 in every 660 babies is born with Down Syndrome.

92% of babies with down syndrome are aborted.

8% are given the chance to live, laugh, grow and be loved.

I don't know the percentage but I do know that some babies that are born with Down Syndrome are abandoned by their parents and left at the hospital.

Look at this baby:
Does this look like a face that needs to be aborted? No, no it does not.

What are the reasons behind abortion of a baby with Down Syndrome?
I think the following might be true:

FEAR. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the "abnormal". Fear of status and symbols.

This baby will not accomplish anything and will have a hard life.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't raise a child with a disability.

DS babies have all sorts of medical problems.

This child will always rely on me for everything.

This child will be miserable and made fun of.

These are a few reasons why some people choose to abort. NONE of them are accurate! NOT ONE! Kloey is a gigantic blessing in our lives. She laughs. She loves. She plays. She learns. She eats on her own. She plays on her own. She moves around on her own. 

Honestly, she's MUCH easier than my first baby was. She started sleeping through the night at 5 or 6 weeks of age. She is so calm and patient. She never really fusses. She is a jabber jaw though. She loves talking. She doesn't actually speak yet but she sure tries.

My point is... My child may be progressing at a slower rate than others but that's okay. Yes, there may be medical problems with a DS baby. But there could be medical problems with ANY baby... not just Down Syndrome. And if you think people with Down Syndrome are miserable and made fun of constantly and worth nothing... then you have obviously never been around anyone who has Down Syndrome. Don't abort babies with Down Syndrome. You're throwing away your greatest opportunity for learning and love... and a baby that totally ROCKS!!!

FYI: when I need a "break" from the craziness of life... I pick up my baby and hold her tight. She helps me to be calm and then I breathe in the love that she radiates and gain the strength that I need to keep going. Seriously. I do that. And I love when I give her kisses and she giggles at me.

1 comment:

Angie said...

This is the blog that made me cry. I am so proud of you!!!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and fears! I think your story and Kloey is so inspiring!! She is a WONDERFUL child, thank GOD she is HERE!!! :)