Wednesday, November 24, 2010


three things about you:

  1. You are the best decision I've ever made!

  2. You are even more handsome than the first day I met you, if that's possible.

  3. You teach/have taught me more about life than I ever thought possible.

three things about our life:

  1. It's crazy, loud, and wildly unpredictable.... I like it.

  2. What it lacks in worldly finances it makes up for in righteous lovin'. :)

  3. It's fun. Point Blank. We have so much fun on a daily basis. I think that's crazy important.

three things that you've taught me:

  1. Don't sweat the small stuff... relax and laugh. (you're still much better at that)

  2. When the big stuff comes around... pray, have faith, laugh. Everything will be alright. (you're still much better at that one too)

  3. We're in this together. We're equal. We come to eachother and lean on eachother when life gets tough.

three things about us:

  1. We're still wildly in love... even more so than this time 3 years ago.

  2. We understand eachother's weird/crazy/annoying little quirks and have come to enjoy them... sometimes.

  3. We tend to get better at this marriage thing with ever passing year... this year is gonna rock!!!

three things that I hope:

  1. That our love for eachother continues to grow each and every year.

  2. As we embark on the new journeyings of life that we always look to eachother and hold on for dear life.

  3. That I can be even half of the wonderful spouse for you that you have been for me.

I love you Jordan Kade Hansen. You are, by far, the best decision that I have ever made. Our life together has proven to be imperfect, unpredictable, harder than we ever imagined, and crazy, but it is our life... together... and I don't want anything else. You are my forever. And I'm happier than ever!!!

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