Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stephanie here.
Going to talk about everything that I can BESIDES being broken.
here goes.

Kourtney counts to three (sometimes 5) but usually 3.
Jordan is counting down the days until he gets to put in his two weeks notice at "hell" so named by him.
My butt hurts from my workout on Monday. It's a good hurt.
Random. Get to the gym on Monday only to find that I had forgot my underwear. Thought I had placed them in my bag. I hadn't. Couldn't go home. Didn't have time. Worked out without any underwear (I was not about to wear my "everyday" underwear) ya know?
Jordan thought that was hot. I told him he was stupid.
Tried the NuvaRing. Won't ever do that again.
Kourtney hits her own hand when she knows she's done something wrong. Funny. We don't really do that. Honestly what I do is count to three. I don't even know what I'd do if I actually got to 3 half the time. Time out???
This third year of marriage has been bliss. If the rest could be like this then we're set.
Not to say it's been perfect. But it has been heavenly.
Next week we've been married for THREE years. I know. "newly weds". you all can suck it. feels like a lifetime to us.
I've never been happier than I am right now. Hubby. Kiddo. About to embark on a new adventure. Holiday season. It's grand.
Now a point of confusion. I work out regularly (just kicked it up a notch this week). Went to the doctor's office today. gained 3 pounds. Now, my clothes all fit the same. So does this mean that I'm gaining muscle??? I think so. I still look the same. But my legs feel better/stronger. Maybe that's it. (good thing. that's what needs the most work)
Got new glasses today. They're really cute. Almost in a librarian way. I like them.


Angie said...

They DO look very cute/librarian! I LOVE! P.S. YOU CRACK ME UP!!! But I love it! =) So, random. So, wonderful. So, YOU!

Unknown said...

I like this… happier you...