My name is Stephanie. Welcome to my blog! A blog that keeps up with my life as a stay at home mother to two beautiful little girls. My youngest daughter, Kloey, has Down Syndrome. As this is something that is pretty big in my life, I like to write about it. All children are a blessing. Plain and simple. This blog is here to show just that. Much love. And happy reading.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The weather outside....
is not exactly what we'd hope for this close to CHRISTmas. That is a funny word... Christmas. I like it because to me it says Christ (duh... our Savior) and MAS (more)... More Christ. That is exactly what this season is all about.
More Christ
More charity
More love
More patience
More giving
More forgiveness
We have a tradition in our household. A rather new tradition since our household is still rather "new". We do not get presents on Christmas Day. Our presents come on New Year's Day. So we still receive gifts just in a different way. This year we are doing one homemade gift for everyone on Christmas Day. This has helped us to really get into the spirit of putting effort into our giving. I have really loved it this year. The girls are each getting a new warm and fuzzy blanket and Jordan is getting... Yeah... like I'm gonna put that on here. I know he reads this.
Kourtney is loving this season. It's so fun that she actually understands what's going on this year. We took her to a princess Christmas festival on Tuesday and on Thursday we ventured up to Salt Lake City to see the lights on Temple Square. We've been having a fantastic Christmas season. I've been really emotional this year. Don't ask me why... I could just cry at any moment. NO. I am not pregnant.
Kloey is giggling. Oh how cute she is. She smiles and giggles and just loves. It's so special. She is starting to grab hair and pull. Yeah... Kourtney learned that the hard way while sitting next to her on the floor. She felt the need to tattle. And then I felt the need to laugh.
Jordan is starting a new and exciting job tomorrow. This is the first job that he is actually excited for. Do you know how happy that makes me?!! I'm happy that he is so thrilled about this. This man is my rock. I know that no matter what I look like, smell like, etc. he will always come home with the biggest smile on his face, kiss me, and tell how much he missed me and how beautiful I am. That my friends, is love.
Me. I'm a roller coaster. Up. Down. Around. Loop. Spin. You name it. But hey... we're having fun and loving life. Til next time...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Anniversary!!!
My Dear Jordan,
Hello there! Happy fourth wedding anniversary! Sorry that I am leaving today on this special day. Here are 24 things on the 24th that I absolutely love about you...
- After four years you still have the incredible ability to make me weak at the knees; to make me super excited when you walk in the door; to make me melt when you smile.
- Honestly, your patience still astounds me and I love you for that!
- GOOFY!!!! You are so funny and goofy and silly... You help me to remember to be a kid sometimes. That's nice. Never stop doing that.
- You're just downright sexy Sir.
- Kindness... you strive to be kind to everyone we meet and everyone we know. You are a great example to myself and our children.
- You have always accepted me for who I am.
- You don't take things too seriously. With you I have learned that things aren't quite as tragic and depressing and stressful as they might seem. Boy, that's a freeing feeling.
- Who else would so lovingly put up with multiple surgeries and frequent illness as well as you do??? No one.
- I never feel judged or under pressure if the house is not clean when you get home. You just start picking up my slack and helping me out.
- Jordan.... you give me alone time. How freakin' awesome are you?!!!
- I love your testimony. It makes me stronger.
- Your smile.... It makes me happy.
- Your hugs are never far away.
- Your snuggles are warm and loving. That is where I feel most at home.
- Bargain shopper... boy are you a finder of awesome deals!!!!
- I always feel beautiful... skinny, fat, pregnant, stretch marks or not... I ALWAYS feel beautiful when I'm with you. Thanks for that. That's important.
- You get up with Kloey in the early morning :)
- I love your style. I always have. It just keeps getting better!!!
- You never forget a birthday or an anniversary.
- You wash the bottles.... you're the man!
- Finding you was literally finding my other half. I'm not complete without you.
- You took me to the temple and continue to do so.
- We make pretty babies.
- I love that I love you so much that it's almost overwhelming.
- I love that I can feel your love for me so much that it's almost overwhelming.
K... so I lied. I couldn't stop at 24. I love you soooo much Jordan. You mean the world to me. Never forget that. These past four years have been the best EVER!!!! Be safe while I'm gone. And have fun... but not too much ;)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Anxiety much?
I fly home tomorrow. Without my Jordan. With my two kiddos. I love my children... but by myself. You see I am really quite spoiled by my dear husband. He lets me sleep when I need to. He has much more patience than I do. He's goofy and Kourtney loves playing with him. My children adore their father. Leaving home without him is tough.
I am super jazzed though. Kourtney just cannot wait to see her Nana and PaPa and her Lisha!!! And everyone gets to meet our sweet Kloey Bow!!!! Not to mention... MY MOM WILL BE COOKING!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!
Until next time...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
"That's enough Mom"
"No. I twy it myself"
"Mommy I go pee pee!"
"Daddy don't sing it"
"I need my Colter"
"GASP... Baby Kloey is cwyin'"
"I know baby, I know"
"Hey be quiet"
"I'm like a Rapunzel princess"
"Mommy, I need my Nana and PaPa"
"Where's Daddy? ... At work? ... He'll be right back"
"Mom say okay" (usually after she asks for something that she knows she can't have)
"Monsers are too sary monsers" (translates to "the monsters are too scary")
"Dat's so funny Mom"
"Mommy, you look so beautiful"
"I gotta go jump, okay?... Mom say 'okay'"
"These are my best friends... we're a famiwy!" (normally about her stuffed animals)
"No more freakin' monkies jumpin on the bed" (her bedtime song of choice)
"Mommy, come show me" (means "I want to show you") and usually it's a mess
These are just a few of the everyday Kourtney phrases that I find absolutely hilarious! Each day she gets bigger and smarter. Last night I opened her bedroom door to check on her. She was sleeping so peacefully and for a moment... just one moment I caught a glimpse of my tiny baby girl. I love you Kourtney Michelle!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A little...
(As I wrote this I did not have any ill feelings toward anyone. This is all truth. In my mind I was not shouting. I was not angry. I was not aiming to hurt or point fingers at anyone. I am simply pouring out my heart and sincerely baffled.)
I must say that my feelings have been hurt. Let me start by saying that I know that I am EXTREMELY imperfect. I am flawed. But may I just ask... who is not? Am I a tad emotional? a bit irrational at times? ultra sensitive? kind of judgmental? a bit anxious? seemingly overprotective of my children? Do I at times fight with my husband? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
Can I just ask though... Why would anyone wonder aloud why my husband is with me? To me that is just downright rude and particularly hurtful. I was really not aware that I needed to become perfect before I married Jordan. I do believe that he was pretty aware of the fact that I am NOWHERE near perfect when he asked me to marry him.
Let me just assure anyone who may be reading this entry. This is not aimed towards anyone. I honestly don't know who said this. I just know that it has been said numerous times and this knowledge came to me sort of in passing during a conversation. No names were ever mentioned. But if I could say something to those people (or that person... I really don't know) it would be this...
First of all, okay. I understand where you're coming from. Please understand where I'm coming from. Just remember that no one is more aware of my faults and flaws than I am. I am my own worst critic. That is no lie.
Secondly. If you are under the impression that I am the ONLY flawed person in my relationship than you are so sorely mistaken. Jordan is fantastic... but NOT perfect. If he was perfect he would not be here.
Also. as I mentioned my faults above let me just clarify something. There are times when my feelings or emotions are irrational and kind of silly. I do admit that. However, they are not ALWAYS irrational or silly. And sometimes my husband does hurt my feelings or say something insensitive or disregard my feelings. The man IS human after all. So if you see us fight... most likely it's not JUST me. It does take 2 to fight. You don't know what's going on in our relationship. You don't know what I've done... what Jordan has done. You really don't know!
Something more. I love my husband more than anything on this earth. My children run a close second true enough. But my husband is my all! Without Jordan I would be lost. But let me assure you... He feels the same about me...I am his wife. I make him happy. He makes me happy. We're so happy that sometimes it bugs people. Of course there are times when it's not pure bliss... would we be human if we were just constantly happy and never fought? We at least wouldn't be completely happy with each other because we obviously would feel as if we couldn't be completely free with the other person.
My point. We are trying. I am trying. Everyday I try to become a better person. I try to smile more. to be more positive. to be more friendly. to be a better mother. to be a better wife. to be a better Latter-Day Saint. to be a better daughter. a better daughter in law. a better sister. a better sister in law. a better friend. Everyday I strive to be closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. Most days I fall incredibly short of the type of person that I know I want to be. But in order for me to let go and move on from the mistakes of my past... others must let go and move on. I KNOW that I am flawed. I KNOW that I am NOT perfect. Trust me, I tell myself these things so often that I really don't need others to tell me at all. If you think that I'm not good enough for Jordan.. Sometimes I feel that way as well. Truth be told he is an INCREDIBLE person. He is a good person. But just ponder this for one moment if you will... Do you think that he would have married me if he thought that I WASN'T a good person? He loves me for many many reasons. But believe me when I say.... most of it is not the world's business.
All that anyone needs to know is that he chose me.. and I chose him. We try everyday to be better people because neither of us is perfect. We are so happy together. And I really don't like being judged by people who are on the outside looking in. Whoever you are... I am sorry that I have given you such a bad impression of myself. Just remember... YOU ARE FLAWED TOO. You must be... or else you wouldn't be here. But you are loved even with your flaws. Remember that too.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Here I am...
This is a poem that I wrote for Jordan. He loves it and says that I should share more of my talents. So here goes... I guess you should tell me what you think...
Why must my heart be tangled so...
entwined so tight with yours?
Must I forever be so exposed,
so accessible to your touch?
My heart at once will dance
when your eyes gaze into mine.
The mind becomes my failing
at the moment of your embrace.
To kiss breathtakingly dominates
all reason.
Defenseless, my shields withdraw,
Captivation takes its hold,
passion runs over control.
Distrust evaporates,
uncertainty dissipates,
fear recedes its face.
Emotions come to one.
True love has clutched two souls.
To My Jordan On his 26th Birthday!
---Stephanie Hansen
Picture above: Jordan and Stephanie October 2007 (less than 2 months before we got married)
Monday, October 10, 2011
I was reading in this book that my mother sent to me called, Gifts:Mothers Reflect on How Children With Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives. It is a compilation of stories from women all over the place that have at least one child with down syndrome and how they feel about it and cope with it. One of the mothers shared a story about a couple who had their first baby. The doctor came in and informed them that the baby had Down Syndrome and esophageal problems. He was going to require surgery that had a mortality rate of 50%. He then said that children "like this" never amount to anything and become mere blobs so the surgery really would be for no reason. Basically it wasn't worth trying to save this child. AND THE PARENTS LISTENED TO HIM!!! They decided to not only not do the surgery but to withhold all nourishment. STARVE THEIR CHILD! The case went to trial and all the way up to the supreme court. Rather than say that the child had a right to go to a family that wanted to adopt it they ruled in favor of the parents' decision. The newborn baby boy was never given a name, never held tenderly by anyone that would love him, and never fed. He was put into isolation and starved. He died 7 days after birth. Because he was different he was killed. Are there really people out there that are so afraid of something/someone different that they would rather them die?!!
I know that this story is very sad and I do try to stay away from that on my blog but some things I feel just need to be shared. Of the women that get a positive prenatal test for down syndrome 80% of those women will choose to terminate their pregnancy. I found this extremely shocking.
My child is a joy. She reminds me a lot of my first daughter. Kourtney absolutely adores her little sister. She looks darling in her little clothes and we all enjoy dressing her up and putting flowers in her "hair". She calms at my touch and the sound of my voice. She eats like a little piggy sometimes. She has helped us to realize that different is good.. and pretty much the same. Different is not something to fear. Different is something to learn from. Take what is "different" and choose to grow from it. Choose to be the DIFFERENCE in a world that is so afraid of "different".
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Life stinks???
Jordan texted me this evening while I was sitting in the hospital with our Kloe Bow. He asked how we were doing. Well, I was in a lot of pain and sick and Kloey was hooked up to tons of monitors with wires hanging off of her all over the place. So I told him that. Then he texted back something to the effect of "man your life kinda stinks". That got me thinking... I don't think my life stinks. In fact I love my life. I'm happy and my family is happy. We're so in love as a family that it's ridiculous :) Why would that stink? Not only do we have intense love for each other but we do for our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ as well. That is what life is about. We have our fair share of hardships and trials that's for sure. But we've learned to not say "Why me?". We just try to say, "Okay. This is what is going on right now. Let's deal with it in the best way that we know how and learn from this in the best way possible". When you do that it takes the stress out of things. We really try to read our scriptures and pray as a family. This seems to help us immensely. Jordan and I pray as a couple. Where would I be without prayer?!! It is my lifeline!!! Besides... we laugh together. What better medicine is there? When you know the meaning of life and you're doing everything that you can to be all that you can be then life will never "stink". Life will give you trials, heart ache, and tough times that's true enough. Just try to keep smiling. Things always get better. It's not worth getting angry. Anger takes too much energy. It's much easier to be happy. :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Who are we to say what's normal?
Aren't we all incredibly different from one another?
Don't we all look different
act different
think different....
So then, what is normal?
I don't think that anyone really knows.
Perhaps no one is normal....
And that is what makes this world so great!
I've told one person here in our ward that my new baby has down syndrome. At church this past week (my first time going for the entire time in a couple of months) everyone was just being so super sweet. I didn't really think anything of it. Then after our Young Women class got over the girls were all fawning over little miss Kloey. One of them mentioned that she could see the down syndrome in her. She peaked my curiosity. So I asked who told them that she had Downs. I was informed that the rest of the presidency told them. Shocker. I didn't tell them. Then I find out that the second counselor found out from my visiting teaching partner... whom I've NEVER met! Now, it's not like we wanted to keep this a secret. Quite the opposite. However, I just don't feel like it is someone else's business to do the telling. You know? This is mine and Jordan's child and we'll tell people when and how we like. So when I was walking down the hall after church was over I was noticing the stares and the quick looks a lot more than before. They were in no way trying to be rude but they were being. I like when people just come up and start congratulating us on our beautiful child. Or even when people come up and ask how we're doing with the diagnosis and what not. Perhaps the worst things to hear are the still's and the though's. She's STILL a baby.... well of course, did you expect something else...a martian perhaps? She's so cute THOUGH... well why wouldn't she be??? I just have to keep reminding myself that it is the natural reaction and no one is trying to be hurtful or rude. I know that. But this is precisely the reason I wasn't telling anyone yet. I wasn't ready for the label. But alas, it is what it is.
I don't know if we'll be adding any more names to that list. I may change my mind in the future but right now I'm getting the feeling that more names may not be necessary. After Kourtney my body hurt pretty bad... but after Kloey it's pretty much screaming at me! Yeah I don't know if I'm up for it getting worse than this. But that's okay. I love my children and the size of my family. I always said that I wanted more than one and there ya' have it.
Boy do I love my kids! Seriously, I would not change anything about them. Not one thing! Kloey's early intervention therapist was over the other day going through all of the preliminary questions and what not. The very last question was "If there was one thing that you could change about your life what would it be?". I thought and thought for about 2 minutes. And then it hit me. My life is so crazy. Sometimes I don't shower, brush my teeth, cook a good meal, do my child's hair or even get them dressed for the day. It's not that I'm too lazy to do those things it's just that I have no time. Heck as we speak my dishes are sitting there screaming at me to un-dirty-fy them. And as I thought of all of this I realized that this is my life... not just mine but Jordan's too. It's OUR life with OUR children. Why would I change anything about that? If I changed something then it would be different... I don't want it to be different. I love it just the way it is. CRAZINESS AND ALL!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Remember to SmILe
For starters... my children are amazing. They have the ability to make me love everything about life. You know, that feeling of "Aaaahhhhh.... I love my beautiful, sunshiney, rose smelling, glorious, wonderful fantastical life". The feeling that makes you want to run to the top of a hill and start singing the Sound of Music. Yeah, that one.
Oooon the other hand. They have the ability to make me loathe my life. You know that feeling of "What the he*& was I thinking? I want to go back to the days when I was single, could sleep all day, and run away whenever I wanted to!" This is the feeling that makes you want to either a) Crawl into bed, throw the covers over your head and will it all away or b) call your sister, inform her that you are coming to kidnap her from what must be an equally hellish experience, run to a beach, and enjoy complete silence. Just two sisters joined together by the common insanity of motherhood with a couple of good books. Yep. That's the feeling.
Moving on. Kloey sleeps. For the first time in almost 3 days. She is not a child to just scream and cry the way she has been for the past few days. I just didn't understand it. She was constantly wanting to nurse and then immediately crying when she was done. I just didn't understand what was happening. Then her bowel movements stopped completely. Well, I'm no dummy. Breastfed babies are supposed to poop a ton. And normally she would be dirty at every diaper change. I have been trying so hard to exclusively nurse her. I thought we were doing a great job. How in the world does my milk supply just dry up?!!! This doesn't seem fair at all. So, we started giving her the pumped breastmilk from the freezer mixed with a bit of formula. VOILA!!!! She is satisfied and sleeping. This completely breaks my heart. I've been waiting and waiting for my milk to come back in. She went 15 hours without nursing because I was waiting for my body to work its magic. After 15 hours all I got out was 4 ounces. That was at 9:30 this morning. It is now 2:30 and nothing more has come in. I even changed my diet to be more milk enriching. Oh well. The most important thing is that she is fed and happy. That's what we need her to be. I suppose some sacrifices must be made. .... I cried all night long.
Kourtney.... oh Kourtney. What can I say? She definitely is an incredible big sister. When Kloey is crying she runs over to her and says, "I know baby, I know" and attempts to soothe her by shoving her binky in her mouth. Fabulous. She is always loving on her, kissing her, wanting her near. It is so sweet.
Kourtney.... oh Kourtney. What can I say? She definitely is an incredible big sister. When Kloey is crying she runs over to her and says, "I know baby, I know" and attempts to soothe her by shoving her binky in her mouth. Fabulous. She is always loving on her, kissing her, wanting her near. It is so sweet.
On the other hand when Mommy needs to take care of the baby it is time to act out. We are trying to potty train. The only time she has an accident is when I'm feeding the baby. Geez a lou!!! I can understand though that this is a HUGE adjustment for her. She is three and she is definitely testing limits and boundaries. It's frustrating for me but healthy for her. She talks in complete sentences now. She dances like a ballerina all over the house. Dora is her homegirl ;) She sings very well. She loves Tangled and America's Got Talent. And she looks forward to our school time at home. I love this sweet girl of mine.
One thing is for certain. Life is soo super crazy. But I know that if I remember to smile and have fun life can be more than just something that I need to get through. It can be wonderful, brilliant, and lovely. One smile can start to change your entire day, your whole outlook on things. When you want to hide under the covers and cry... just really try to take a moment... one fleeting moment.. for a smile :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Trisomy 21
When I was four months pregnant I started to get the very strong feeling that I was expecting a baby with Down Syndrome. No matter how I tried to shake it, explain it away, pray it away, scream it away... it never went away. This plagued me for months and months while I was expecting our second little girl. God wouldn't challenge me like that right? No... it was just me being paranoid as ever. Nothing to worry about. Stop freaking out.
I asked the Lord for peace of mind and he granted me that for the last month of my pregnancy... probably due to all of the freakin' labor I went through... it just distracted me. Then, the day I was in hard labor the feeling came back. I just had a strong feeling that I needed to be prepared for this. So, along comes Kloey Alice. It didn't take long, 3 contractions of pushing and she was here. She didn't cry and she didn't really move. I knew. I knew right then that something wasn't right. The umbilical cord was too short so they put her on my stomach, cut it, and whisked her away. I didn't get to see her face. I kept asking if she was okay and what did she look like. When I saw her I immediately knew again. The nurses and midwife assured me that she did not have it because she simply doesn't have any of the facial features of a baby with Down Syndrome. This did not ease my worries. She was different and I knew it but I so desperately wanted to take them at their word.
I worried about it all night long. Word passed through all of the nurses that I was worried about my baby having down syndrome because of this "premonition" (as they called it) that I had throughout my pregnancy. When the nurse came in the next morning she informed me that she would let the doctor know of my concerns when he came to examine her that day. She thought that Kloey did have some signs of DS but not in her face. The pediatrician came in the next day and informed me that at first he thought, "there is just no way that this is a downs baby" but after taking a closer look he thought, "I better order chromosome testing". I was expecting different news when he walked into my room that morning. Kloey was in the NICU due to high red blood cell count and low oxygen saturation. Therefore, she was not in there and I had not been able to bond with my baby whom I was feeling very distant from. As he explained to me that he wanted to get her tested and told me of all the features that she showed and all of the groups to help these children nowadays I think that I was somewhere very far away in my mind. I wouldn't cry, I told myself. I held it together as his words sort of floated above and around me but didn't actually fully penetrate me. My baby has Down Syndrome... I have a baby with Down Syndrome. What do I do? I know that the test hadn't even happened yet but once again, I already knew.
I held it together while the doctor was in the room.. but once he left the waterworks went into overload. My nurse was great. She had asked the doctor if I cried when he told me and he said, "well no, she took it quite well" and the nurse replied, "no, she waited until you left". So, in came my nurse with a reassuring smile and a friendly pat. I thought it was sweet. Of course, there was my supportive, almost nothing freaks him out husband of mine as well. Gosh that man can hold it together!
As the days went on I started to convince myself that she looked too normal to have Downs. Everyone, even the nurses and doctors kept telling me that it was a long shot. Kloey nursed like a champ right from the start, most ds babies have horrible sucking reflexes. Her heart sounded perfect, most ds babies have heart murmurs which signal heart defects and other problems. Then there is the fact that she looks completely normal. Her ears are not lower set. She has one eye that is slightly almond shaped but barely. She doesn't have a flatter face or really small features. She does have low muscle tone, a palmar crease on one of her hands, and her big toe separates from the rest of her toes. Those last two of her three features she inherited from Jordan and I. So one can see why I started to doubt my "premonition".
Kloey stayed in the NICU the entire time we were in the hospital. Seeing your baby hooked up to monitors and wires and tubes and then an iv in the head... how horrible! I was so sad for my baby. She was constantly being stuck and pricked and jabbed and prodded. I started to cherish the times that she needed to nurse. Bonding with my baby was (is) so wonderful. I started to feel connected to her. The entire time that I was pregnant with her I felt like she was a mystery and like I didn't feel connected to her the way that I should. That is not the case any longer.
On Friday, after finally having her overnight in our room for a "test run" we were going home. The test results hadn't come yet but I was thinking of other things. We were getting an oxygen saturation monitor, an apnea monitor, and going home with a tank of oxygen for our newborn baby. Talk about intimidating and scary. We are 20 minutes from going home when the phone in our room rings. I'm sitting with Kloey on the bed all snuggled in my arms. Jordan answers it and I knew that it wasn't family on the other end. Then I saw his face. I knew that it was about the test results. About 30 seconds later the nurse came in. She saw that Jordan was on the phone so she turned around and left. She came back a few minutes later and sat on the bed patiently waiting for Jordan to be done. I couldn't take it anymore so I looked at her and said, "It's about what I think it is, isn't it?". She looked at me, nodded, and said, "It was positive". I nodded, looked at my sweet, sleeping angel and lost it. How? Why? Are you serious? Now what? The first words out of my mouth were "I love you" and the first thing that I did was kiss my new baby. I remember promising in my heart that I would do EVERYTHING in my power to teach her, protect her, love her, and help her to reach her absolute FULL potential. The doctors and nurses were so great and supportive. They sent us home with a book, numbers, websites, etc. Her pediatrician takes very good care of her and shows a great amount of interest in helping us through this and giving us all of the resources that he can. He's like a big Grandpa taking care of his grandchild. That's what it feels like. He doesn't have to do all that he is doing.
Since finding out I've had many different emotions. I am surprised to see how I've reacted to my baby. Throughout my pregnancy I thought that if I had a child with this syndrome that I would feel unattached and distant. That is definitely not the case. This child is an angel. We love her so much. Kourtney loves her dearly. Our families have been wonderful in their reactions. Our mothers have been beyond wonderful in their help, understanding, and desire to learn more about their new granddaughter. We feel so blessed to be so loved. We feel so blessed that our child is so loved and accepted by our very special families. My mother has been my biggest support. Calling me three times a day, telling me of her research and finds of that day, ordering me books, and telling me that she just can't wait to meet the new special spirit of my family. How grateful I am for everyone's support and love.
As far as me.. I'm okay. I go through my moments of "What will I do when she wants to do this or that.... what do I tell her when she wants to get married... what do I do... what do I do.... what do I do...." I know that some of these children grow up to lead pretty normal lives. I do believe that Kloey's case is mild. But I do not know yet what the future has in store for her. I do know that I am going to do everything in my power to teach her the gospel and help her grow into everything that she is capable of becoming. I have two very sweet and amazing daughters. I must not forget that. And people must not think that I feel otherwise. I love my children more than life itself.
Friday, May 20, 2011
1 week & one/2
Oh do I miss my husband!!!! It has been a week and a half since we last saw each other. I don't like it. I'm done now. I want to see him. I need him. Okay, now that that's out of the way.
I'M TIRED! I am 31 weeks pregnant as of yesterday... let the extreme fatigue and no sleeping begin. Oh man! I just can't sleep. And, I have this overwhelming fear that something is going to be wrong with my child. I didn't have that when I was pregnant with Kourtney. It's freakin' me out!!! The humidity is making my feet swell. I look like a cow. And everyone here wants to treat me as if I'm broken instead of pregnant. I've had to say several times to several different people, "I'm pregnant... I'm not broken." Oy!
Kourtney is having a fantastic time with her cousin Alicia! I am so happy for this. She has no one to play with in Utah. I don't know how I'm going to tear her away from my family all over again. That is going to be hard. Today is the first day that I've thought that I'm ready to go back. That's only because my husband is there. I actually cried the other day when I really realized that when I went back I'd still be going to Provo. I cried. and cried. and cried. Then I had to snap myself out of it. But that doesn't make me like it any more.
I got told a hundred times at my friend's wedding (in which I was the maid of honor) that I was a skinny pregnant woman. HA! Funny. But hey! I'LL TAKE IT! Kloey moves constantly... like allll the time. Never stops. It's true. Crazy. Kourtney's naps are getting messed up. Nice. My madre is spoiling the heck out of her. The day after we got here she took us shopping for some sandals for little miss. I was thinking family dollar or some place like that. Nope. We went to Shopko. We found really cute adidas sandals...adidas... my mom just HAD to get them for her. Granted, they were on sale... but still kind of pricey ya know. So I thought Okay we've got some sandals, we can go. No no. We needed another pair. LOL! I mean really! This woman was having the time of her life. Kourtney walked out of there with a new Princess ball for outside, adidas sandals, and princess sandals that light up. I'm pretty sure that was something else but I can't think of it.
We've gone out to eat. To feed animals. To Going Bonkers (a huge indoor play thing). Kourtney is having a blast!!! That's not to say that I'm not... I'm just really tired :) When I don't sleep well it's hard to feel up to anything... just feels like I'm walking through a cloudy haze all day. It sucks. But I do love to see my family.
We went to a playgroup with church friends at the park the other day. There were twin girls that were about exactly Kourtney's age. They were there with their grandma. One of them came right up to me when she saw me and wanted me to hold her. Now, kids generally are attracted to me but this was different. She snuggled right onto my shoulder and wouldn't let go. Her grandma came over and apologized but, of course, I said it was absolutely fine. I'm no stranger to things like that. Then, her sister started clinging to me... and I started to think something was a bit weird. I wasn't weirded out or anything... it was just different. So, she comes over to me when both of them are attached and starts to explain. Their Mom and Dad lived in Utah. Their Dad (this woman's son) was going to school while Mom stayed at home. Then, one day, out of the blue, Mommy decides she doesn't want to be a Mommy anymore. Oh boy. She leaves. Now what? He moves to Quincy to finish school so that his family can help with his children. They last saw their Mom in January. The reason she felt such a strong need to explain... because this whole they were running up to me and saying, "Mommy! Mommy!" What could I do. I just answered them and snuggled them and played with them. And I almost cried. My daughter was off playing with friends and didn't seem to think anything of it. They would not let me out of their sight. And when we left they tried to follow. Their grandma stopped them but then they were yelling "Bye Mommy". I wanted to look at them and say, "If I was your mommy I would NEVER leave you!" HOW SAD!!! Goodness.
Kourtney asks for Daddy at night. But we've been able to skype with him several times and that helps. He puts on monkey puppet shows for her. She laughs her head off! He is a great Daddy!!! We miss him sooo much. I may hate Provo but if that's where he is then that's where I'm going back to. But I won't live there forever. Just until school is done and then it's ... GET ME THE H-E-L-L OUT OF UTAH!!!!
Until next time :)
I'M TIRED! I am 31 weeks pregnant as of yesterday... let the extreme fatigue and no sleeping begin. Oh man! I just can't sleep. And, I have this overwhelming fear that something is going to be wrong with my child. I didn't have that when I was pregnant with Kourtney. It's freakin' me out!!! The humidity is making my feet swell. I look like a cow. And everyone here wants to treat me as if I'm broken instead of pregnant. I've had to say several times to several different people, "I'm pregnant... I'm not broken." Oy!
Kourtney is having a fantastic time with her cousin Alicia! I am so happy for this. She has no one to play with in Utah. I don't know how I'm going to tear her away from my family all over again. That is going to be hard. Today is the first day that I've thought that I'm ready to go back. That's only because my husband is there. I actually cried the other day when I really realized that when I went back I'd still be going to Provo. I cried. and cried. and cried. Then I had to snap myself out of it. But that doesn't make me like it any more.
I got told a hundred times at my friend's wedding (in which I was the maid of honor) that I was a skinny pregnant woman. HA! Funny. But hey! I'LL TAKE IT! Kloey moves constantly... like allll the time. Never stops. It's true. Crazy. Kourtney's naps are getting messed up. Nice. My madre is spoiling the heck out of her. The day after we got here she took us shopping for some sandals for little miss. I was thinking family dollar or some place like that. Nope. We went to Shopko. We found really cute adidas sandals...adidas... my mom just HAD to get them for her. Granted, they were on sale... but still kind of pricey ya know. So I thought Okay we've got some sandals, we can go. No no. We needed another pair. LOL! I mean really! This woman was having the time of her life. Kourtney walked out of there with a new Princess ball for outside, adidas sandals, and princess sandals that light up. I'm pretty sure that was something else but I can't think of it.
We've gone out to eat. To feed animals. To Going Bonkers (a huge indoor play thing). Kourtney is having a blast!!! That's not to say that I'm not... I'm just really tired :) When I don't sleep well it's hard to feel up to anything... just feels like I'm walking through a cloudy haze all day. It sucks. But I do love to see my family.
We went to a playgroup with church friends at the park the other day. There were twin girls that were about exactly Kourtney's age. They were there with their grandma. One of them came right up to me when she saw me and wanted me to hold her. Now, kids generally are attracted to me but this was different. She snuggled right onto my shoulder and wouldn't let go. Her grandma came over and apologized but, of course, I said it was absolutely fine. I'm no stranger to things like that. Then, her sister started clinging to me... and I started to think something was a bit weird. I wasn't weirded out or anything... it was just different. So, she comes over to me when both of them are attached and starts to explain. Their Mom and Dad lived in Utah. Their Dad (this woman's son) was going to school while Mom stayed at home. Then, one day, out of the blue, Mommy decides she doesn't want to be a Mommy anymore. Oh boy. She leaves. Now what? He moves to Quincy to finish school so that his family can help with his children. They last saw their Mom in January. The reason she felt such a strong need to explain... because this whole they were running up to me and saying, "Mommy! Mommy!" What could I do. I just answered them and snuggled them and played with them. And I almost cried. My daughter was off playing with friends and didn't seem to think anything of it. They would not let me out of their sight. And when we left they tried to follow. Their grandma stopped them but then they were yelling "Bye Mommy". I wanted to look at them and say, "If I was your mommy I would NEVER leave you!" HOW SAD!!! Goodness.
Kourtney asks for Daddy at night. But we've been able to skype with him several times and that helps. He puts on monkey puppet shows for her. She laughs her head off! He is a great Daddy!!! We miss him sooo much. I may hate Provo but if that's where he is then that's where I'm going back to. But I won't live there forever. Just until school is done and then it's ... GET ME THE H-E-L-L OUT OF UTAH!!!!
Until next time :)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Daddy's At Work
Kourtney ADORES her Daddy! When he is gone she walks around saying "Daddy's home?".... "Daddy's at work". It used to be a sad thing for her but now it's just the norm. She doesn't say it with sadness in her voice anymore. That makes it a lot easier for me to handle. She is an emotional child and loves to be around people. She is always asking for Nana and PaPa (my parents) and sometimes I sit down and cry when she does that. How do you explain that you're 1000 miles away from Nana and PaPa to a 2 1/2 year old? You don't. Jordan is starting a new job on Monday. I am so FLIPPIN' excited. It's in Provo so we'll save a fortune on gas, and he gets every single Sunday OFF! Instead of having to work 1-10 every Sunday which is really lame. I don't know how he feels about the new job. I think lately his thought process is, "a job is a job". I'll just be happy to have him closer. Kourtney and I get to go eat lunch with him once a week :) I am pregnant... with a dancer/gymnast apparently. ANOTHER GIRL!!! How exciting! We don't have to buy all new clothes!!! We couldn't be happier to be adding another baby girl to our family. Don't ask me what we're naming her. We don't know yet. I love love love the name Kloey Alice and so does Jordan.... but he would like to keep all options open for right now. So, that's what we're doing. (much to my mother's dismay) lol. For now Kourtney calls her "baby sisser". I love it. She gave baby sisser a kiss goodnight last night. She is so sweet. Kourtney is a clone of her mother... in looks, in personality, in just about everything. There is good and bad in this. Sometimes I want to shake her and say, "NO! Stop doing this one thing that Mommy has learned doesn't get you anywhere"... I don't think she would listen to me if I did that. So, I calmly and patiently try to teach her. Calm and patient are attributes that I recently started working on... and they are ones that she barely possesses right now. Then there are times when I love that she does something exactly like I do. She is so full of love for everyone. I'm not saying that I love perfectly, but I do have love for and care a great deal about others. She has this same quality. I love to see her loving so much. Poor thing needs friends. I found a little preschool summer school thing that we will hopefully be able to do this summer. I think that she will really love it! She loves learning and being around other children. I threw the idea of being an art or drama high school teacher at Jordan this morning before he left for work.... he actually liked it. We'll see what comes of it. I miss him. I wish that we could make money just being at home together. He is pretty spectacular. Yesterday my doc put me on bedrest b/c of some contrations and pressure. He took very good care of me. (let me tell you... I never want to have to do that again) This morning he left me with strict instructions to "not do anything". After trying to explain to him that that is quite impossible... he still insisted. Oh, and don't worry. Contractions and pressure both went away. I know what the problem is. I'm not sleeping enough. When I do have the opportunity to take a nap I usually exercise and clean the house. I'm changing that today. Sleep is more important right now. I will take walks with Kourtney and let the house go a little bit. Other than that... it's not worth having a baby at 24-25 weeks. Not worth it at all. Well... there's my update :)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sickety Sick
(I needed a healthy picture of her... I need to remember that mostly she is healthy/happy)
Kourtney has been sick for 4 days! The first two days weren't really too bad... just a bit of the sniffles. Then... BOOM! She ran a fever allll day long yesterday and woke up with one today. (It's starting to go away I believe). I haven't slept well in nights. Exhaustion is running my body. Luckily, this baby inside of me is pretty calm and likes to stay "out of my way". I hardly remember that I'm pregnant sometimes. I have my pains from Fibromyalgia and some problems with my sciatic nerve... that's never fun. Other than that I'm great.
... Until this morning that is. I woke up at 4 am asking Jordan to please go get me some medicine as I was too sick to get out of bed one more stinkin' time. BRILLIANT! Now we're both sick. I'm just glad that it's not Jordan. Poor thing already sliced his finger open and got stitches on Saturday... let's not add to his pain... I don't like to see him in any pain.
I'm finding that I'm really really missing my healthy, happy daughter. Her happiness makes me happy. Her laughter lifts my spirits. Her smile melts my heart. I'm beside myself right now, wondering what to do for her, if I'm helping her, what she's feeling. (I was almost glad that it hit me this morning.. now I do somewhat know what she's feeling.) She's been refusing to eat lately. I've been so worried. So, when she woke up at 10 pm last night saying she was hungry I nearly did a jig in the middle of my living room! I took it as a good sign. A sign of the beginning of recovery. She ate 2 clementine oranges and a bowl of cheerios. I almost wept with joy. Yes... I'm not lying... wept. Yet, I had to sleep upstairs on the couch with her until she was comfortable enough to venture back to her own bed (at 3 am) Needless to say... I didn't sleep much/well last night. But hey! By the 4th night you're a bit used to it right? Used to it or not, it still sucks.
Currently, the sickling sleeps. Me.. I just pray that her neverending stream of snot and boogers will soon come to a HALT! Poor thing.
AH. The life of a mother. These past few days have been tough. Yet, I find that I am still incredibly happy with my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. Snot streams and all. :)
Friday, February 25, 2011
I felt that there couldn't be a title to this b/c there is no title for my emotions right now. We are more poor than we've ever ever been. And, strangely, happier than we've ever been. But I'm still scared. We moved down here b/c jordan had a job... then he didn't. And now he's having a very hard time finding one. I'm not blaming him. I see how hard he's trying and exhausting himself looking and applying and calling all of these places. He said he's not very far from going to McDonald's. Bless him. I know he would if he had to. I just really pray that someone gives him a job soon. I watch him, how distressed and down he looks when he stares off into space. I don't tell him how scared I am. For him I am optimistic and hopeful... and most of the time I am... but sometimes it's too much for me. When he leaves I cry. I cry b/c I'm scared, b/c I'm lonely, b/c things are unsure, and just b/c. I want more and more to go home. Yet I know that's not an option right now. Maybe someday we will land back there. I hope that we do. I don't feel at home out here.
Most often though, I am happy beyond happy. Jordan and I are lucky to have eachother. Lucky to have Kourtney Bear. Lucky to have another little one safely tucked within me for now. :) Surprisingly, my emotions don't get the best of me most of the time. That is especially shocking due to the fact that I'm pretty pregnant right now. Which means I should be pretty emotional. But I feel less emotional right now than I normally do.
Not to mention, I've learned a lot about myself, about us, about life in the past few months. For instance, the past few years I've been so worried about money... how we're going to make it, how much we're going to make, wanting to be more than just comfortable. And I realize that doesn't matter. Money doesn't matter. It's necessary... which sucks. But being rich is not what this life is about. Joy, happiness, learning to live the gospel, keep the commandments, serve others, not complain... that is what life is about. Well, there's plenty more but I can't list them all. Strangely, none of them involve being rich. Be humble. Love others. Remember your Savior. Teach your children. Yes, I cry sometimes... but I am happy. And I do know that Jordan will get a job, he always does. For his sake I just hope that it's soon. I hate to see hopelessness in his eyes. I love him too much for that. We may never be rich and have all the worldly possessions that everyone craves.. but I have a righteous, spiritual, great man. A man that is a great father, who loves me, supports me, encourages me, and works hard for me. He takes care of this sick, painful body of mine without ever once complaining about it. He loves the Lord and keeps me on the right track. That, my friends, is so much more important than any amount of money. It feels good to realize how blessed I am. Even though it may look, from the outside, that I'm not very blessed at all.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Energy sucking
HOLA!!! From the Hansen's!
Kourtney says hola (thank you Dora) and she also counts to five (ocassionally ten in spanish) all thanks to Dora. We were blown away the first time she did it. Took us completely by surprise.
Anyhoo. We are in our new home! I don't like it as much as our last place but it's pretty nice. I miss my family and friends a lot. I try not to talk to Jordan too much about it though. He knows that I'm struggling and he has told me several times how bad he feels. I don't want him to feel bad for it. We made this decision together. No matter how hard it is... I know that I always have him.
So, being pregnant. This time around is completely different than the last time. I had a dream that we had a healthy baby boy. I dreamt that Kourtney was a girl.... so maybe, we will see. We really don't have a preference as to the gender though. I definitely have more energy this time than I did with Kourtney. Working out 4 times a week is something I would have never been able to do when pregnant with her. It makes me feel good to be able to do that this time. I'M HUNGRY ALLLLL THE TIME! I hate it. It's terrible. I don't want to eat anymore. I wish it would stop already. Jordan keeps telling me to just listen to my body... trust me... if it were him he'd be begging for it to go away. It really is extremely annoying to be hungry all the time. My body must have decided that there wasn't enough fat on it... so it needs to stock up or something. Blegh. And my hip!!!! Always the left one!!! Sometimes it will hurt soooo much that I can't move, stand, walk, anything!!!! What's with that??? And I'm tired of peeing 3 million times a night.
Oddly enough though, I don't regret this decision at all. I did tell Jordan though that it will be at least 4 years before we have another. My body already hurts all over without being pregnant... this magnifies it.
So, Jordan is having a hard time finding a job. Bless him... he was out for 9 hours total yesterday looking and applying for jobs. He came home looking so exhausted. I felt so bad for him (and it's not as if I had an easy day)... he looked worse than I felt... and, trust me, that's saying something. Poor guy. I know that he will find something... but I know that it must be hard to not be having any immediate luck. He's really stepping up and showing how strong and smart he is. I think he's wonderful.
Potty training sucks. All day long Kourtney cried and begged for her diaper (crazy!). She peed on the potty once. Peed the bed when she took a nap.... okay no biggy. Just wash the sheets. Unrolled the entire roll of toilet paper and stuffed it into the toilet and proceeded to sing a triumphant song of, "I DID IT! I DID IT!" That was a fun mess to clean up. Then tried to flush my nail files down the toilet. Had to fish those out... wonderful. I chased her all day, putting her on the potty every 20 minutes.... she pooped on the floor. Weasel. That was gross. Ended the night with a nice pee on one of the kitchen chairs. She went to bed in a diaper. Most people say that children don't like diapers... my kid apparently prefers them. .... I fell asleep at 9:30 last night. It was a long day. So... when I say that Jordan looked worse than I felt... that's a big deal.
ABOVE: Kourtney's choice of meal.... all the time... the peanut butter sandwich. She now has to eat something else before she gets the sandwich.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
My new resolutions... :)
Some people think that they're goofy. I think that they help me stay on track. I have been making new year's resolutions since I was a teenager. So, here goes...
Potty train Kourtney. I don't even know how to start this.
Not gain a ton of weight during this pregnancy while not starving myself.
Freakin' move to our own place sometime this year!!!
Work out at least 3 times a week. Just fight through the nausea. Working out is so much easier when you're not pregnant.
Read the scriptures more. I was doing really good with this until we moved.... then I just sort of stopped.
Hold family home evening every single week.
Say more heartfelt, less rushed prayers.
Try to be more patient and more forgiving. (I work on these every year. I'm improving)
Give birth to a strong and healthy baby.
Give breastfeeding a good, solid try. (and pray that this one isn't allergic to my breastmilk).
Okay, that's that. Quite a list. I like it. Let's stick to it.
Alright. :)
Potty train Kourtney. I don't even know how to start this.
Not gain a ton of weight during this pregnancy while not starving myself.
Freakin' move to our own place sometime this year!!!
Work out at least 3 times a week. Just fight through the nausea. Working out is so much easier when you're not pregnant.
Read the scriptures more. I was doing really good with this until we moved.... then I just sort of stopped.
Hold family home evening every single week.
Say more heartfelt, less rushed prayers.
Try to be more patient and more forgiving. (I work on these every year. I'm improving)
Give birth to a strong and healthy baby.
Give breastfeeding a good, solid try. (and pray that this one isn't allergic to my breastmilk).
Okay, that's that. Quite a list. I like it. Let's stick to it.
Alright. :)
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