Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh boy

Oh, my husband. It's amazing... one week, you're about to kill each other... the next, you've never been happier. We've finally thrown a little bit of organization and compromise into our relationship and VOILA! We haven't been this happy since we were dating. I tell no lies! To be able to discuss feelings and apologize and admit we were wrong, even if we think it is sooo stupid, has been freeing! I love him. And! he patiently drives me to St. Louis every month for my checkup. Yesterday, it was hot, and our air conditioning isn't working for some reason. 80 degrees feels 120 to me!!! He drives there.... and drives back.... all for an hour wait and a half hour visit! But, everything is looking good and in a couple of weeks I'll be able to start easing out of the neckbrace!!!!
The good thing about going to St. Louis, is the zoo. It's free, and it FRIKKIN' ROCKS!!! We went to see the half of the zoo that we didn't see last time. (it's so big, you can't do it all in just a couple of hours) Kourtney loved the butterflies!!! She got to touch them... they just fly right up to people! It was great! We even cut in on some private time between two of them... if you know what I mean ;)
We want to see the hippopotamus.... but all we saw were all of these fish. Kourtney liked it. Only Mommy and Daddy were disappointed, she didn't know that there was anything to be disappointed about.
Kourtney liked the butterflies... Jordan liked the elephant... and I liked the cheetahs. Sure, they're dangerous and all... but look how peaceful they are. They just look so cozy (and yes, they do have a substantial amount of land set aside just for them). It does make me a little sad though, to see all of these animals "cooped up". I love to go see them, but it's not where they should be. True, some are endangered, but not all.
Anyway, we stopped at the cheetahs and I decided, "when I'm in heaven, I'm going to lay down with cheetahs." And, I will.
Then, it was time to go. I was tired, hot, getting grumpy (but I controlled it, I was proud). Kourtney needed a nap (she slept the whole way home). Jordan and I were both dying from allergies! And, I still am! blegh! I had to sit down on my way back to the car and some guy (Jordan and Kourtney went to get the car) leaned out of his mini-van and yelled, "NICE LEGS". Needless to say, I was creeped out and found the strength to get up and keep walking to the car. I'm still tired. But, it was a good day.
And now, we say adios! :)

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm a big fan of the life adventures you go through! I enjoy reading about how you and Jordan and even little (demonic) Kourtney keep growing together as a strong family! I enjoyed our night dearest and hope you feel better!!!!