Monday, January 18, 2010


So, not a lot of people follow this. Actually, technically, only one does. But I know that several people follow unofficially. However, I know that some don't care to. Which is fine with me, that drains out the whiners.... I don't like whiners. I like that I can say and do whatever I want on this blog. Oh no!... It's public???? whatever will i do??? *sarcasm* I like that sometimes.....

Anyhoo.... I really don't like it, and I try not to do it. But, you know, there are just some people that I absolutely cannot stand!!! No lie, I am not one of those people that "loves everyone". Don't get me wrong, there are few people that I don't like... I think. But, let's face it, no one likes everyone!!! What bugs me the most is when people pretend to like/love everyone!!! That's not real to me.... I also don't like when people pretend that their life is perfect. They try so hard to let everyone know that their life is top of the line, wort
h envying, never gets better, kind of stuff.... not me. Trust me, my life = totally not perfect... but I love it! What would I learn if it was perfect? Nada! In my opinion, the people who try so hard to put off the image of a "perfect life", really don't like
their life. It's sad, but I've noticed that's how it works most of the time.....

Hmmmm..... Freedom on my blog.... I'm liking this
. Angie, you're my one devoted reader.... Thanks lo
ve. You make me feel adored... :)


Angie said...

Aww! Shucks! Anytime! I seriously enjoying reading our blogs...I've just been bad about putting some up! SORRY!!! I understand what you mean though, about certain others. I would have to agree, how would we learn ANYTHING if we perfect? It's simple actually, b/c we are not perfect nor are we meant to be perfect. It's our job to strive to do what is best, but by no means does that make us perfect. I'll hope off my soap box now... lol! =) LOVE!!!

Stephanie said...

thankyou miss angie... i can always count on you to understand me! :)