Tuesday, January 26, 2010

oh why...

Oh immune system, why must you hate me???
I try so hard to give you what you need,
yet never do I go two weeks without having some illness.
Swine flu, common cold, seasonal flu, common cold,
bad cold, very bad cold, some sort of virus, some other sort of virus....
etc., etc., etc.....

No matter what I do,
no matter what I eat,
no matter what what what.....
you never protect.

True, immune system,
you do fight the infections off (not in record time might I add).
However, you never prevent.
Do you like the fight...
the rush you get when the battle is at its toughest?
do you? do you?
Well.... I DON'T!!!

Oh immune system, immune system....
Why do you hate me so?

1 comment:

Angie said...

oh, my...I think she has officially fallen off her rocker! lol! well, your immune system does suck, I'll give you that!