What a Daddy's girl she is... She runs around the house, always looking for Daddy, yelling, "Daddy, Daddy, Dada, Dada, Papa,....." how funny she is!
She is so lovey, and so stubborn (like both of her parents). We love this little bundle of joy. She loves climbing into laundry baskets, being naked, climbing up and down the stairs, being naked, riding in her little car, being naked, talking to herself (and giving herself kisses) in the mirror, being naked, destroying Mommy's artsy things, playing with the camera... and did I mention being NAKED!!! She is so funny and oh so smart. She uses so many words! She knows a lot that she doesn't use on a regular basis. Here are some Kourtney words:
-Daddy, Dada, Papa (all for Daddy)
-Mama (she hardly ever uses this one)
-Baba (bottle)
-Bye bye
-yes (very extremely rare to hear her say this one)
-polar bear (i know, Daddy was reading her a book and she copied off of him... pretty impressive, she did it a couple times)
-go (she likes that one, it's her term for dog)
-Zelda (my parents' dog)
-Come here (she used to say this one a lot, it's a bit more rare now)
My goodness, there's more but I can't think of all of them. She is so sweet, not perfect by any means, but we're very lucky to have her! She is very happy! She is very much like her daddy and very much like her mommy at the same time! Oh, and her little temper is absolutely hilarious! Every time I have to punish her, I leave the room afterwards so that I can get all of the giggles out, she's just soooo funny!!!