Friday, June 4, 2010

You're Perfect

I was walking with Kourtney to the playground today and thinking about how much I love her. It's no secret that she was a major surprise in our lives! As I thought about that, I realized how perfect that surprise was. She glued Jordan and I together. She came right before my back/neck problems. She has taught me more things in 21 months than I can even imagine. She keeps us on our toes. She keeps us laughing. And her smile always brightens our day.
For some, finding out that you're pregnant 3 years before you wanted to be is terrifying. It was for me. I'm so glad that I knew that, really, the only choice I had was to embrace it. Being a mother is difficult to say the least. But, at the end of the day, there is nothing more satisfying, more rewarding, than being able to look at your sleeping child and say, "I love you, I'm thankful for you, I try my best to BE my best for you."

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm so glad that God gave you this path! I think you have grown in so many ways (good ways ;) ) because of this! You have become my best friend, all over again, and I just love spending time with you! You have a WONDERFUL child, and I don't say that lightly. She isn't easy, but boy have you guys done wonderfully trying your hardest to make her into a wonderful young girl! You two have so much for you in the future, I just can't wait for it to happen! God has truly blessed you two, and I am so grateful He blessed me by putting you in my life. I love you!