Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bath time

Today Kourtney wouldn't get out of the bath tub! stubborn thing, can't imagine where she got that from! So today I really spooked her while in the tub. I was trying to just get a little jolt out of her but she really jumped! She slipped and fell into the water and I'm laughing as I'm typing this! (she didn't get hurt, so I'm allowed to laugh). anyway, she just laid there forever staring up at me. I couldn't help it, I burst into a laughing frenzy! Once she realized that it was funny, she joined in. We were both laughing! It was so great! What was really great about it was that she understood what was going on. I felt connected to her in a way that we have never been connected before. It was pretty special to me. And then she got up, started playing and ignored me while I finished the laughing fit.

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