Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sometimes she's my favorite

Our Kloey fills our home with sunshine. That is not an exaggeration. Since the day that we brought her home we knew that she was different than most children in the most wonderful sense. As a baby she was so quiet, calm, and peaceful. She hardly ever cried and when she did it was so sweet and so quiet that it was more pleasant to hear, really. And even though I did struggle a lot in the first year of her life, my all time FAVORITE thing to do was hold her, kiss her, and snuggle her. 

And I STILL feel that way!!! I'm not gonna lie, I love coming home to this child everyday. After a long day at school I know that when I open my door Kloey will be there to run towards me with a giant smile and arms wide open. I know that when I play the ukulele and sing she will (most of the time) join in and applaud very enthusiastically at the end. If I want to have a random dance party in the kitchen during meal prep, Kloey is my girl. And when I am sad or crying she is the first person to come up to me, rub my back, and tell me it's okay.

Kloey is unconditional love. Even when I have to discipline her (shocking, but she does indeed need it at times) she is always right back to being my best friend. It's true, she has her own fits and moments of beating up little brother. But they aren't many and most of the time they really don't last long at all. She is not perfect. We have plenty of struggles. But personality wise, this girl's got it down!!!!

She fills my heart with joy and love every single day. She reaches out to anyone she sees that is in need. She smiles a majority of the time. She is one of my best friends.

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