Tuesday, October 4, 2016

It was all so slow.....

Most definitely, the thing that surprised me the most was how slow the progress was with Kloey. We had to teach her how to do EVERYTHING. Every. Little. Thing. That was so hard for us to get used to. The very first thing that we worked on was getting her to hold her head up. She did that at 4 or 5 months, I believe. That was our first celebrated milestone.

We then started working on her next big milestone: holding her bottle by herself. This one took her forever! She finally got that at around 9 or 10 months. At the same time we were working on sitting up. She finally mastered that one at a little over a year.

Crawling came much later. She crawled when she was almost 2 years old. However, she did start playing games a little bit sooner than that. I tell you, it was so nice when she started to discover her own personality. She made up a little "dive and snuggle" game when she was about 18 months old and she STILL plays it with us to this day!!! She still makes the same face when she cries as she did when she was a newborn too.

Klo finally walked when she was 3 1/2 years old, consistently anyway. She technically took her first steps when she was just about 3. She just mastered climbing the stairs a couple of weeks ago, at age 5. She is now working on walking backwards, jumping, writing her name, recognizing letters, and pretty much everything to do with talking. She doesn't talk very well. But those of us that live with her get most of what she's saying.

For those of you that have followed my blog for the last few years, you probably realize that these first few posts may not be as fun, feeling, or witty as my posts normally are. Hang in there, we'll get to those. We've got an entire month, after all. But I do have a reason for these posts. I am hoping that this timeline, this history, might help someone. I know that if I had been able to read this when Kloey was a baby/toddler it would have helped me immensely. So, I hope that someone out there will find this comforting and helpful.

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