Thursday, February 28, 2013

fevers and vomit and disinfecting

OH.... MY.... GOODNESS....
We've had one helluva week! I should say 2 weeks because Kloey stopped sleeping at night almost 2 weeks ago. Oh bless my heavens and stars we are sooo tired!!!! Five days ago Klo started to vomit and then the diarrhea started. Oh dear gracious.... So I decided to take Klo to the doctor after putting up with this for what seemed to be far too long. Turns out she has some bacterial virus and not just your typical flu. Okay, so there is something that they can do for it. Hurray! Also turns out that this bacteria can live on surfaces for up to 4 weeks... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(we can still have fun with pictures right?)

So, we get home after dragging her to the pharmacy. The only person she smiled at yesterday was the nurse at the doctor's office. She was so sick.

Fast forward to midnight last night.... this is where the fun begins....
12:00-- Kourtney wakes up cranky as all freakin' get out
12:30-- we realize that she is probably sick (initiate parent-panic suppression)
12:45--Kloey will not sleep unless she is being rocked or patted or both
1:00--we decide tonight will be a one parent per child night. Jordan takes the Kloey/living room shift... I take the Kourtney/bedroom (my bedroom) shift
1:30--we finally fall asleep
3:15--"Mommy???...." you know the middle-of-the-night voice I'm referring to... the one that gets you moving faster than you've ever moved when in a half-zombie state
...Me: "sit up! you have to sit up! sit up! sit up!!!!"
Kourtney: not sitting up....... spews vomit all over my bed
Me: "in the bowl! in the bowl! in the boooowwwllll!!!!"
Kourtney: managed to get almost half in the bowl... I commend the girl

3:20--Initiate cleanup mode
strip the bed
scrub the mattress
strip the child
scrub the face
obtain clean bed things
somehow drag your lead footed and nauseated self around the bed tucking in all necessary corners
throw vomit soiled nightgown, pillows, pillow cases, sheets, blankets into the washing machine
realize there is already a load of wash diarrhea soiled things in the washing mashine
curse the very sky above you
somehow manage to take clean clothes out of the dryer/put wet clothes in it
start vomit load
try not to vomit
try not to vomit
try not to vomit

4:00--Flop into bed
4:05--your 18 month old decides she feels all better and would like to play if you could kindly oblige
...*&&&^$&%&^%*&*)*(&(*&%&%$^%$&^%*&^(  .... my thoughts at that moment
4:20--somehow I know that everyone is asleep
4:25--closing the weary eyelids for sweet sweet-
Me:"Oh Dear Lord why me?" ..."sit up sit up sit up!" "in the bowl in the bowl in the bowl"
Kourtney:bless her sweet sweet heart.... she got it in the bowl!
4:30--Get up.... wash the bowl... stumble back to bed... pass out

Apparently she got up and moved to the couch with Jordan. She then proceeded to vomit one more time and managed to make it in the bowl once again.

It had been several hours since she had thrown up so we decided to try a popsicle. She wanted another... and another.... Why Stephanie? Why?

While we were in the middle of disinfecting our house... and I do mean DISINFECTING OUR HOUSE... I hear that voice from the other side of the apartment... "Mommy?...."
I tell you I had piles to jump over and a bowl to grab and I imagine it looked something like a mad woman racing towards her child in a fit of rage, grabbing a random kitchen  bowl while screaming "ALL HANDS ON DECK! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!!!! GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!"
And while you're holding back your child's hair you're just thinking, "don't vomit don't vomit don't vomit"
Because heaven knows Mom's just cannot afford to get sick in situations like these.

Bless my soul....

1 comment:

Angie said...

I just laughed so hard!!! Oh, bless you two!!! But holy cow that's hilarious for me to picture the words on this blog! Again, bless you both! I'm dying, "Mayday! Mayday! IN THE BOWL!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! So SORRY it's been SO ICKY for you guys!!! Again, you're fantastic! Love you all! And God bless you!! :)