Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kids *sigh*

Do you think that if we asked them politely to please grow up a little bit slower that they would listen? Yeah, I don't think so either.

Kloey is a Momma's girl through and through! Daddy is so great with her and loves her to pieces but when times get even just a little rough it's to our Momma we go! She has rolled over onto her stomach 3 times very much by mistake. Each time that she does this she is thoroughly surprised and equally distraught. Poor thing. She brings her hands to her bottle and will occasionally hold it... occasionally. She smiles when I nurse her. She smiles when you pick her up after her nap. She smiles when you look at her. She smiles when you tickle her. She smiles when you play with her. She smiles when she sleeps. She smiles when she eats. She smiles just because all she wants to do is SMILE!!! Ms. Kloey has never been much of a crier but lately she has been discovering her voice and the power that comes with it! Mostly her voice gets to its loudest and most upset when she would very much appreciate her mommy thank you! No pressure Mom.

Kourtney is a ball of fire! Never a lazy, boring, or restful moment with that one! I love this darling girl of mine but sometimes I want to shake her and tell her not to be so much like me dang it! She will not sleep... this she does not get from me but from her father. Bedtime is a ghastly thing! You would swear that trolls live under her bed and monsters come out of her closet. We have discovered a good trick for getting her to bed however. We now get to sleep before 3 am.
Her vocabulary is ever expanding. On the way to the grocery store this evening she informed me that "the moon is behind us Mom". Thank you dear for that very important piece of information. Then as we were getting into the car to go home she became somewhat upset and asked, "where are the groceries Mom???"... Whaaa??? For some reason this little question floored me. It suddenly hit me that she is no baby. She is a little girl. A little girl with an attitude. With independence. With spunk. With an imagination. With WORDS!!! With beauty. With sweetness. With love. With the incredible ability to make me love, question, laugh at, and yes... even kind of dislike her... all at the same time. She's quite talented. It's rather amusing. She also enjoys making her own ballerina dances up in the living room, or wherever she may be when she gets that sudden urgent pull to JUST DANCE! :)

Jordan and I are fantastic. He finally found a job that he enjoys. We have callings that we love. We love each other. We're pretty dandy.


Squantooo =) said...

I LOVE your blog! Makes me laugh and smile more and more every time I read it :)

Angie said...

Crazy isn't it? To think Kourtney is growing up and becoming a mini-adult! lol! I just remember still being floored by her personality! My how she's changed! And Miss. Kloey, well hot dog on all the smiles!! She does have one of the sweetest smiles! I miss her little smiley face! And kudos on a job that Jordan likes! That's gotta be some fantastic, wonderful feeling!! Love you!