Thursday, January 19, 2012


YAY! After my breast milk dried up when Kloey was 5 weeks old I thought that we were done for. She was exclusively bottle fed for 3 weeks. I hated that time. Kourtney was bottle fed from 6 weeks on and that was okay. Formula is apparently what Kourtney needed and I was comfortable with that for the most part. I was never comfortable with giving Kloey only formula. So the journey to bring my milk back in started when she was almost 9 weeks old. What was needed: one supplemental nursing system (those things freakin' suck), Fenugreek (herb), hormone in pill form, Mother's Milk Tea, super good pump, a baby that will latch on to your breast while nothing is coming out, LOTS OF PATIENCE!!!
After one week I was pulling my hair out! The supplemental nursing system was soooo frustrating. She was sucking less due to lack of milk. When I would pump there would only be 1/4 oz. total. This was not going the way that I had planned. So "power pumping" began. 10 minutes on then 10 minutes off for one hour. Let's just say... OUCH.

Two weeks... I've given up on the nursing system. Screw that. Power pumping twice a day and then pumping at least every 4 hours. I felt like a cow... literally. Getting Kloey to latch on was getting better... I could tell that she really loved the bonding time. Hormone pill is being popped 4 times a day, fenugreek 3 times a day, and occasionally Mother's Milk at night. My diet revolved around my milk production.

Three weeks... 2 oz total from pumping!!!! YAAAYYYY!!!!! Kloey is starting to love latching on more and more yet she associates the bottle with food. That's rough.

Four weeks... She is being breastfed 1/4 of the time. A glimmer of hope!

Five weeks.... breastfed 1/2 of the time.... HALLELUJAH!!!!!

Six weeks... I feel like my production is slowing down and this is disheartening. I've been working so hard on this and I AM NOT FAILING!

Seven weeks... we're back up to 1/2 breast 1/2 bottle. yay!

Eight weeks... 3/4 breast!!!!

We stayed at 3/4 for a while because I didn't think that my milk production was sufficient. Three days ago I met with a lactation consultant and she told me to just try exclusively nursing her for a day. VOILA! It worked! Kloey has only been getting one 4 oz. bottle of formula a day for 3 days!!! This, my friends, was really hard work but I must say that it was completely worth it. The time that we are nursing is a cherished time for us. She watches me with her soul searching blue eyes. She plays with my mouth and likes when I sing/talk into her hand. She kicks her little feet... and sighs and coos and sometimes grunts. This is a special time of togetherness that I feel we really need. Way to go Klo Bow!!! You did it!!!

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