Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Every year I look back at the resolutions I made and tally up the points... let's see here...

-Potty train Kourtney = SUCCESS!!!! YES!!!!!
-Not gain a ton of weight during pregnancy.... well... yeah.
-Freakin' move to our own place = Done!
-Work out at least 3 times a week... that went well for a while... didn't last too long though.
-Read the scriptures more = I think I get points for trying here. This year has to be better.
-Hold Family Home Evening every week... what's family home evening?
-say more heartfelt/less rushed prayers = I believe that this has been accomplished.
-Be more patient and forgiving = I am much further along than I was last year... but this is still one of my goals (and probably always will be)
-Give birth to a strong and healthy baby = She is strong, beautiful, healthy, and smiley... SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!
-Give breastfeeding a good solid try = This one has been soooo tough. I had to bring my milk in TWICE!!!! But we're still going strong!

Not too bad I must say.

This year's resloutions are...

-Lose my baby weight!!!
-Be more loving, forgiving, patient (especially with Kourtney)
-Judge less
-Smile more!
-Much less computer time.
-More silliness and games with Kourtney
-Teach Kloey to hold a bottle.
-Teach Kloey to crawl.
-Make it to at least one year with breastfeeding (preferably 18 months)

I actually have more... but they are personal just for me goals. I love resolutions. New goals are new projects and adventures for me. They mean renewed motivation and determination. I love that!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Is it crazy that I look forward to the new year simply for your list? loL! =) Nice work!