Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy

Sometimes.... I HATE hearing the word "Mommy" from a little voice that must be inside of my head b/c I hear it waaaay too much for it to be real. This is a hard job! Everyone talks about how wonderful being a mother is... and it is. I do love my beautiful girls very very much, I really do... but here's a few things that I would just loooove to get off of my chest. Enjoy :)

-My 3 year old is obnoxious.
-My 5 month old just wants me to hold her... aaaalllll the time!
-No matter how much I clean this freakin' house it's NEVER CLEAN!!!!
-The laundry is always there... it's like an annoying neighbor. When you ignore it then it just piles and piles until you just can't stinkin' handle it anymore.
-There are times when I wash and dry said laundry and it sits in a hamper for a week. Yes, a week.
-When I make cookies or brownies sometimes I eat more batter and dough than I do the finished product. Yep...
-I really really really want to swear sometimes.
-Having a mute button for my 3 year old is my biggest dream on some days.
-Eating healthy is important to is just plain eating. Therefore, I will sit down with a toasted corndog that was not homemade but OH SO YUMMY!
-Sometimes Kourtney gets candy for lunch.
-At least 3 days out of the 7 days of the week involve me sitting on the couch (be it bouncing a baby, folding laundry, or listening to a very chatty preschooler) and dreaming that I am somewhere far away... very very far away.
-Most days I don't shower until at least 2 pm.
-To go along with the above... I wear lounge clothes most of the time with my hair pulled back and no makeup on... my poor husband. Luckily I am someone that can pull off the lounge look pretty well.
-I hate toys. If you're not stepping on or over them, tripping over them, or picking them up... it means you don't have toys in your house.
-Hearing my baby wake up in the morning is worse than hearing an alarm clock.
-Too much television is not good. But hey... sometimes too much television is the key to Mommy's sanity.
-My phone.. at times I hate when it rings and at others I just wish that it would so I could escape the insanity in my own mind!!!!!!!
-I cry a lot.
-I'm overwhelmed. Sometimes I just can't keep up with teaching, cleaning, laundry, bills, dishes, cooking.
-I really don't like my children sometimes. I really really really don't like them sometimes.
-After a long day if I have to choose between 10 minutes of alone time and a quick clean sweep of my house.. you better believe I'm choosing the alone time.
-My husband is wonderful. Being a mother without him would be impossible.
-At the end of my day, if my children are fed, happy, and alive... I've done my job.
-At the end of a bad day, if my children are alive... they are lucky.
-People that think I have all of the time in the world to chat, play, get pretty... I have some words for them.

For now this is what I have. There are times when my life is complete bliss. But let's be honest... I'm a stay at home mom. It's more difficult than bliss. These are my actual thoughts sometimes. I don't want to sugarcoat anything. There are times when I so want to shut my child up in her bedroom. There are times when I don't care what she eats... the baby is breastfed... I don't have to care so much about what she eats. There are times when I loathe hearing my baby stirring awake from a nap because it means that I've just spent my only 20 minutes alone cleaning instead of doing something enjoyable. I envy people that have a maid. Maybe if I had a maid then this would be a little easier... maybe. But really... this is a hard hard job. It really really is.


Kari Barnhart said...

Steph, You always hit it right on the head! ALWAYS! Man you really know exactly what I'm thinking! UGH every single line of your blog gets me threw the day knowing I am not alone! I love you for your courage and your truth. Can I share this? I know 100 moms who need your words! I love you dear cousin! talk to you soon!

Angie said...

Alls I can say is....WOWZA!!!!!!!! I wish that it wasn't so hard for you, but I'm glad that you do such a good job at it!!!! =) And if you were getting paid for this job, I'd say a raise is a must!! lol! But seriously, you DO a GREAT job!! Even when it's tough and you feel defeated you've done amazing things with these girls!! Never give up! Never quit trying!! You are an amazing and wonderful mama! And I love you dearly!!! MUWAH!!!

Jessa said...

Dear Stephy,
Mom and I are sitting here reading this, laughing and feeling your pain. :) We have decided that we should create a list of mother appropriate swear words. We are going to post on FB and see what everyone has to say. :) Btw my daughter is wearing mismatched socks today. love ya.