Friday, June 14, 2013


OH... MY... GOODNESS! Can I just tell you what an exhausting two weeks I have had? Really. My husband started a job that requires him to work pretty much from sun up to sun down. It's a summer thing and it's really nice because he'll get to start school up in the fall and he'll have worked enough to have a nice cushion. However, I am tuckered out! I am at school for about 12 hours a week and I have an online class that requires insane amounts of work... like, insane amounts. I am taking 14 credits. I then come home and I have to do all of the homework for said classes, feed my children, play with my children, bathe my children, do the laundry, make the meals, clean the kitchen (5 million times a day!), vacuum crazy amounts of times, make sure my youngest doesn't crawl to the toilet, stick her hand inside, and proceed to lick off the water (yes, she's been doing that). I must fold and put away said laundry (this seems to be increasingly difficult for me). By the time I get to doing my homework my eyes feel like sandpaper, they're hot and watery, and I kind of feel like quitting life. But alas, I am pulling all A's. Why? and How? you ask... Because my faith in my Heavenly Father keeps me going and going. When I feel like giving up He always has a way of helping me move forward, even if I am barely crawling. He loves me. And that is beautiful to know.

(If only we could all have this much fun in a grocery store)

So, Kourtney is consistently talking to me as if she is an adult. Really, that is happening. The other day I just stopped and thought, when in the world did this happen? I am not old enough to have a mini adult, a child starting kindergarten in a few months, a little person pouring her own cereal, making her own quesadillas, and popping her own popcorn. Yes, she does all of those things. And she "reads" to her little sister. They play school and Klo just goes right along with it. Because, let's face it, who doesn't love big sister time?

(clearly Kourtney dresses herself)

Kloey has an obsession with the bathroom. Don't ask. I couldn't tell ya'. She crawls into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. And if I try to come in she will shove me out and slam the door behind me. What?!! She does this all of the time now! So independent! She just crawls into her room and starts playing with all of the toys and "reading" all of the books. And when she realizes the door is open... SLAM! it goes. Child cracks me up. She is just growing so fast! Well, Kloey fast anyway.

(they go to bed while it's still light outside)

Tonight my husband said, "Alright, time for bed girls". And I looked at the clock just to be sure that he wasn't just getting my hopes up. When I realized he was indeed telling the truth I let out this strangely evil giggle that frightened my children and lasted for several seconds. I was so stupidly excited for bedtime! I mean really, sometimes you just need 'em to sleep!!!

Photo credit to my husband and his phone! Except for the last one. That came from my instagram. You can follow me! @schpef  Please do!!!


Unknown said...

enjoyed reading through your blog today. I love all the candids of the girls!!

Unknown said...

I think I would have enjoyed your insane giggle at putting the kids to bed. It sounds like something I should try sometime . . .

Mwah ha ha ha ha ha

"Uh Dad," the kids might say. "Are you alright?"

"Never been better" I'd say.