Thursday, April 18, 2013

no time no time.... there's just NO TIME!!!!

With finals week and then travelling this week there has been exactly zero time for blogging of any sort. However, here I find myself with a very rare quiet moment at my mother's house and I am snagging the opportunity to bore you all with my ramblings. First off, I just watched a hilarious video called "Ode to Sleep Deprived Parents". It cracked me up because it is just spot on... you can watch it here. Just to give you your daily dose of giggles. Everyone needs giggles in their life.

Last night we endured some craaaaaazzzzzyyyyy storms that I grew up with in Illinois but never come to Idaho. I must say that I am grateful for the puny little thunderstorms that we seldom get out there that tend to freak all of the Idahoans out. See, out there I seem like the brave one. Psshhh.... little bit o' thunder, little bit o' lightening... no big deal my friends. But here, I am genuinely freaked out and really struggling to keep it together. Most times it is alright and I do pretty well. However, when tornado sirens are going off for one hour straight, the sky is dark green, and it's hailing like madness outside, you best believe I'm feigning calm and trying inexplicably hard not to pee myself. *Sigh* It is the unfortunate truth.

All of this happened last night. I had made my parents a nice dinner, my friend Angie was over, it was just Kloey in the house (I was starting to think that the night was going to be too quiet). God took care of that fear for me. You see, none of my siblings have basements. So trudging through the flash flood warnings, hail, thunder, and lightening comes a whole swarm (and I do mean swarm) of people to take refuge in my parents' house. I was so excited actually! I love and adore my nieces and nephews and the more time I get to spend with them the happier I am! That is no lie. But I did become painfully aware of the fact that I had not made enough food for EVERYONE in my family.

Big crazy families.... gotta love 'em. And I certainly do love mine. Kloey is just Miss Popularity here I tell ya'. It is fabulous that she is so social and loving and just so ready to get to know everyone. People are really nervous to hold her at first because normally kids get freaked out by new people, but not my Klo. She knows when someone genuinely loves and cares about her and it's as if she just wants them to know that they're loved back. They're always loved back. Pure sweetness I tell you.

I miss my Kourtney Bear. And my honey. And my house. But when I go back I have to jump right back into school... think I'll stay here for a few more days *wink wink*

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