Saturday, April 6, 2013

A difficult difficult difficult day

Today is my niece's 6th birthday and I didn't even get the chance to call her. Boo! Here's why:

Almost 12 straight hours of non-stop tantrums... that's right... 12 hours.

Even Kloey was a little whiny today.

Kourtney screamed about e-ver-y-thing today!!!!

Jordan and I reached our breaking point.

I called my mother in law for advice.

God love her... she said, "why don't I just take her for a few days?"

God bless that woman.

I was in tears before I called her because these tantrums have been going on for weeeeeks on end.

When I say tantrums.... they're much worse than most tantrums that I've seen other children throw.

We were patient, loving, kind, calm, talking gently, gently scolding blah blah blah for the first probably 5-6 hours.

I started to feel super terrible because I was feeling the urge to put a lock on the outside of her bedroom door and shove her in there.

Then Jordan started to lose it and I felt slightly better about myself. When that man loses patience and stops being nice... you know it's a bad day.

So, we met Grandma in Shelley and transferred Kourtney to her car. I was feeling very nervous and anxious about my baby being gone for days. Then Kourtney gives me a little nudge and says, "you and Daddy can get out now. I'm a big girl. You said you aren't coming with."

Yep. Guess this will be good for all of us.

I figure she needs to remember that she needs us... and we need to remember that we like her. As bad as that sounds, it is true.

I'm already starting to miss her... kind of *wink wink*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that this has been so hard!!! It will get better! Or she will just move out!!! Love you all.