Saturday, January 26, 2013

Statistics,Blogging,Big Bang Theory

Statistics... ah statistics.... I dislike you greatly. For you have created a gap between me and my beloved blogging time. Oh, statistics... I will so not miss you.

So, obviously (as stated above) studying for my statistics exam has been consuming my life. No lie. I have not even been able to spend very much time with my children. However, I have passed said exam and statistics is behind me FOREVER!!! Except for those times that I will encounter it in my life. In those instances I can now say that I understand. BOO YAH!!!

So, this is Kourtney finding a loophole in my rule that she is not allowed to climb into or on top of Kloey's jumper toy. Well, I shall just stick my legs through it... HAHAHA!!! She was quite proud of herself for this discovery and I was rather amused by it. She's fantastic.

I must share a discovery that Jordan and I have made upon starting school and dealing with our Kourtney-Bear. You see, she was turning into a complete and monstrous terror after my first week of school. Oh my goodness. Admittedly, we did not know how to deal with these tantrums and outbursts of negative energy. Losing our patience and getting frustrated were the only things that we were capable of. We were simply exhausted. Finally, I decided to hug her... trust me, I really didn't want to. And this led to a host of insights. Realizing that she probably just needed attention and that she was going through an enormous change as well, we decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if we tried our hardest to ignore the constant whining, not yell at her, and spend more time playing. I will not tell you that this has produced an angelic change in her behavior, because I would be full of ca-ca if I said that. But, it has brought a lovely feeling into our home. She has stopped yelling for the most part. She only needs to be asked once or twice to clean up her mess. She is being a lot less aggressive towards her sister (except for the random biting of her sister's foot yesterday... I was not quite as patient for that one). Homework does take up a lot of my time. So Kourtney and I have a new bedtime ritual. I stop doing homework. We read scriptures and pray, brush our teeth, and then snuggle while we watch about 10 minutes of a movie. Then I sing her a song and she is asleep. This is really helping her to recognize that she is still important to me. And it is a lovely tradition for me as well.

This is Kourtney's cheese face... and Kloey's "I just want to take a bath in peace" face.

My Kloey. Tell me... When does the perfection of infancy fade and the attitude of childhood start to replace said perfection? And when that does happen is it as sad for everyone else as it is for me? I have grown so accustomed to Kloey being a little baby. As is apparent from the picture above, that is not the case anymore. Sometimes when I try to give her a kiss she will put her hand on my face and push it as far away as possible (especially if I am getting in the way of her view of Sesame Street). She gets so upset when I tell her no! Oh my goodness. She starts to flail her arms in frustration and yells as loud as she can. Geez. She moves around so quickly now. Getting into things is her specialty at the moment. And she loves taking things from her big sister. Oh Gracious! I just didn't want this phase to ever come. Alas, it must come with all children right? Down Syndrome or no Down Syndrome... Which brings me to my point. The longer I have with Kloey, the more I learn that children with Down Syndrome are going to reach every stage that a typical child will reach. They may reach it a little bit later, but they will reach it. There will always be a few things that set them apart from others.. but really, doesn't every child have something that sets them apart from others? I think the answer is yes. And so we begin our bumpy ride into the toddler years with our Klo Bow. Hang on tight. 'Cuz here we GO!!!!

Kloey playing with her favorite toys... clean diapers. Love!!!

Just a little side note: We have a Sheldon bobble head right next to our computer screen. (from the Big Bang Theory)..... BAZINGA!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Well, girlie glad you tamed the beast we refer to as Kourtney-Bear. :) It sounds like such a simple answer to just hug her, but boy I know that that would have been the hardest thing to do in that situation. So, brava for you my dear! And :( that Miss. Kloey is no longer in the baby phase. I mean it's great that she's progressing, but the baby phase is so much cuddling and loving. I miss that with Kourtney! Alas, the toddler stage is quite an interesting time and I just love watching the learning that your kids get to do! Miss the heck outta of all of ya! I will mail said Christmas gift sometime this year! ha! Still don't know what I should get Joedan. Keep up the good work in school! I know how hard that can be without kids! So, kudos to you with kids for doing it! Proud of you girl! I shall call sometime and love on you soon! HUGS! KISSES!! To the entire fam! :)