Saturday, November 24, 2012

5 years

November 24, 2007
Pic: not from the date above.
On this day five years ago, I married my best friend. Today, he means so much more to me than I ever imagined he could. A marriage like our's is truly and honestly rare and hard to find. Jordan, this is what you mean to me:

  • Comfort. In knowing who I am, what I want, the person I am trying to become.
  • Security. To know that I can always be who I am, and never ever have to apologize for that.
  • Trust. A more loyal and loving man would be impossible to come by. Honestly, I never knew a man could be so wonderful, so thoughtful, so trustworthy.
  • Warmth and snuggles. Let's be honest. Are you not one of the biggest snugglers of all time?!! I believe you enjoy it more than I do. Thanks for that. 
  • Home. No matter where we are, no matter who we are with, I know that when you hold me in your arms, I am HOME.
  • Silly-ness. This trait that we share is actually not as common as we always thought that it was. I'm as silly with you as I've ever been with anyone. That's pretty goofy stuff. And, I have to say, you kind of trump me in the silly department. Let's keep that going... FOREVER. Because our life together is never ever boring.
  • Funny fighting. By this I mean, when I am trying my darndest to stay mad at you and you won't allow it. When you just start smiling and trying to poke me, then tell me that I'm not mad. Melts me every time. Dang you!
  • Father. Never in my life have I witnessed a man more dedicated to his children. You know, they love you, they adore you, they cherish their time with you. How could they not? They are your princesses and don't they know it! Side note: thank you for taking it upon yourself to do more of the disciplining. That way, I get to be the good guy sometimes too. You will never know how great that is for me.
  • Husband. The best that there has ever been. I know that when I wake up in the morning, I am going to see more love in your eyes than I did the day before. Hopefully, you know how wonderful that is for me. Hopefully, you know how comfortable that makes me. 
  • Service. Not only do you try your hardest to serve others, but you begin in our home. Serving us, your family, is your number one priority. We know that and we love it. Thank you.
  • Annoying. Come on, I had to throw that one in there. Because, I just did. But, don't be discouraged... you're annoying in the "he's too stinkin' happy this early in the morning" kind of way. 
  • Handsome. I never thought that it would be possible, but I am way more attracted to you now, 5 years later, than I was when we were dating. And, you know, that seems pretty darn near impossible. ;)
  • Kind. Never do you show me anything but kindness and understanding. How do you do that? How do you always see the best in me? 
  • Patience. You live with me and our two daughters. Need I say more?
  • Love. You are my love. You are my world. Together, we just make sense. I just can't say much more than that here... because words cannot describe the way my life lights up when you smile at me... or the way my heart still flutters when you walk in the door... or the way I seem to melt into you when you kiss me. I love you Jordan Hansen.
I know that our time together has just begun. But, five years feels so long because we have both changed so much. Thank you... thank you for a wonderful five years... thank you for being my best friend.... thank you for asking me to marry you... and thank you for always loving me.  And thank you... for all of the wonderful years yet to come.

Happy Anniversary to my love.


Anonymous said...

Oh Stephanie, You are likewise my sweet amore. There is no way I could ever put into words, like you did, how much I love you. You make me a better person each day. I'm more understanding, caring and loving of others, and I could never see myself with anybody else. I am certainly more attracted to you in every way since the first time we met, and I know for certain this love between us has no end. Please continue to put up with me and all of the stupid things I do. I'm so glad to never have to worry about trusting you, or you doubting in your faith, you make it me able to live and breath easily. Thank you so much for birthing our two amazing daughters, they adore you more than you can ever know, and are very lucky to have such a wonderful mother. I know they will be raised under the close and tender care of a mother who does, and would do anything for them, and that teaches them the principles of the gospel, and how to just be a great human being! Thanks for all of you'r patience and understanding of us. We love you so much and could never put anybody before you on our love-o-meter :) I hope you enjoy this 5th year anniversary my sweet dove luck!

-Your man

Angie said... guys!! SICK! lol! Just kidding!! I'm glad to hear that after 5 years there's still that special spark. Strive to never lose that. :)