Thursday, August 30, 2012

Peanut butter and chocolate

Yes... you read that right.
Ever had a peanut butter and chocolate sort of day... I'm having one right now.
Just one of those days when:
-your morning starts with bad news
-it's followed by bittersweet news
-you're fighting with your husband
-your kids are clingy and crying and whiny and relentlessly annoying
-you just really really really don't feel good
-motivation to clean your house and do your laundry... is non-existent
-life just seems a bit unfair
-smiling feels unnatural
-running away seems like a reasonable solution

... but, alas, you must stay. So what will the solution be??? well, peanut butter and chocolate. I recommend always having a stash. If you always have a stash you will most likely never experience the panic mode that sets in when you realize you're just having one of those pb/choco sort of days. :)

(photography challenge was put on hold due to EXTREMELY busy month... but I will pick it up soon)

much love!

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