Thursday, March 22, 2012

World Down Syndrome Day

I know that I am a day late on this but I figure it's better late than never.
My daughter has Down Syndrome.
I knew before she was born... not because of a test but because I just knew.
The feeling scared me to death.
My pregnancy was clouded by this overwhelming fear of the unknown and also denial.
I felt detached from this child that I knew, for sure, would not be "normal".
Would she be made fun of?
Would she be pretty or not?
Would she speak normally?
Would she date?
Would she get married?

Could I love her?
Could I teach her?
Would I be embarrassed of her?
Would I be proud of her?

Would Kourtney love her?
Could they be best friends?

Many, Many things ran through my mind during that time. NOW... I realize how very little I actually knew.

She might be made fun of... and so will Kourtney.
She is pretty... BEAUTIFUL!!!
She will speak... she speaks now. I understand her "eyes" language, her "body" language, her "cry" language and her "smiley" language.
Maybe she'll date and maybe she won't... doesn't matter to me.

I LOVE THIS CHILD!!!! She can turn any bad day right around!!!!! Sometimes I want to shout from the roof tops, "MY BABY GIRL HAS DOWN SYNDROME!" and then do a jig just for good measure! I am more proud of this angel everyday!!! Her sister looooves her and so does her wonderful Daddy.

So... a child with Down Syndrome... well... it's not a whole lot different than a child without Down Syndrome. I just get to keep my baby for a whole lot longer.

Be Jealous :)

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