and what's on it. :)
I turn 22 tomorrow.
I don't feel old enough to be a mother, a wife, a 20 something.....
I'm putting Kourtney on the gluten free diet. wish me luck
Jordan is seriously thinking about school. and I'm seriously considering his option.
I feel like we have created a safe zone for each other, and I love that.
In over 20 years I've never met someone that can make me smile, even when I'm mad, as much as Jordan does.
I grow closer to the spirit everyday.
My testimony grows everyday.
For the first time in my life, I'm focusing on what I need to improve about myself... instead of criticizing others and focusing on their faults.
Food storage/ emergency preparation can be fun!
cornmeal pancakes are pretty good (even Kourtney ate them)
I wish my body wasn't so broken... I want another baby. But, my time will come
We have fish! Kourtney loves watching them swim around in their tank!!! so much fun for her!
We are completely broke!
But... our bills are paid... we have food, clothing, we're happy.... I may not get a birthday or a Mother's day gift but somehow I know that Jordan will make it super special for me!
I love flowers! In my family they call me the "flower girl" I'm always wearing flowers, putting them on Kourtney, incorporating them into our life/wardrobe somehow.
I hate my neckbrace... oh wait... that's not news! lol
I get to start easing out of it in a week!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, what else... there's too much.
3 days gluten free (again) what has improved....
well, no depression
my eyesight is already improving
no stomach pain
flu is gone
feeling healthy
not snapping at Jordan
all in all, I feel pretty good.
What makes me feel even better... We went to a family owned health food store yesterday, the whole family is gluten free. (the only place that I can find corn flour!!!!! 20 minutes outside Quincy!)
None of them have been tested positive for the disease but they all know that they have it. This is the hardest thing for me. Not having medical/family proof that I have this. I feel like many people don't believe me. That's okay. I know that my body improves when on this diet, Jordan knows it, and that's what matters. Oh, and this place had the best gluten free cookies ever!!!! yummo!!!! a little pricey, but Jordan didn't mind that I bought some! He loves me.
This life is proving to be quite an adventure. I've learned though, if you step back, take a deep breath, don't think so far into every little thing, and just try to be the best that you, yourself, can be (and stop comparing yourself to others/caring what others think) it makes for a much more relaxed, enjoyable adventure! This, I feel, is something that I've learned through much trial, error, and scripture/church material study!