I adore my children. I love them more than life itself (cliche, I know, but truth). But MY GOSH! Children are crazy. They are crazy and they make the people around them crazy. My husband and I like to say that we've been insane for so long now that it just seems normal to us. We have 3 beautiful children: beautiful and crazy. Our oldest is 6 years old going on 16. Our second is 3 years old but, with her Down Syndrome, I'd put her more in the 1 1/2 year range. Our youngest is 7 months old and he's extremely chubby (which I LOVE) and high maintenance.
Currently, my 6 year old is sitting next to husband on the couch and whining about everything that she DOESN'T have. Now, we just returned from a trip to my family's neck of the woods where my children were showered with love, affection, candy, toys, park trips, ice cream trips, toys, movie trips, toys, and more toys. Yet, she doesn't ever get anything in her life and we are making this "her worst day ever" (her actual words). Yes, she's curled up in a ball, pouting.
My 3 year old is sitting on the floor and stubbornly coloring in every page of her sister's brand new miniature Frozen notebook. Which, admittedly, is adding to the meltdown of the eldest and resulting in said ball-curling. She just dumped out an entire cup of water onto the carpet, which resulted in getting the notebook taken away, which resulted in tears. She moves fast. (and sister was just carried upstairs whilst crying and having what appeared to be a seizure just because it was bedtime)
My infant son is currently asleep which is unusual and rare because the boy has been awake and moving since the day of his conception. No joke. I first felt him kick at 9 weeks. He proceeded to do so every second of every day and night for the entirety of my pregnancy and hasn't stopped since. You'd think he'd be crawling or heck, even sitting up by now, but alas.... he is lazy.
My 6 year old is being carried up the stairs while screaming and crying again. She sneaked back down here.
I just wiped a snotty nose with my hand.
I forgot to brush my children's teeth tonight.
My 3 year old just fell off of the couch.
I have to go put my screaming 6 year old back in bed.....
My 3 year old just recently learned the word "no". Everything is "no".
My son is starting the separation anxiety stage. Can't even pee unless I bring him with me.
Anything I cook gets thrown on the floor. Thanks Kloey.
Anything I cook is met with "Ewww. I WON'T eat that!" Thanks Kourtney.
Church is another world altogether. Our meetings start at 1 pm and that is quite possibly the WORST time to have church when you have young children. Why, you ask. Because it is smack dab in the middle of nap time. So, the children are either screaming and crying or wired and crazy. It's hard enough to make sure a child, a toddler, and an infant look clean, pretty, and perfect. Add onto that the task of the coloring books, crayons, snacks, bottles, and countless other things that you MUST have on hand or their tiny little bodies will shrivel up and die from starvation or boredom.
After the 3 hour block of church madness (church is wonderful, don't get me wrong) we come home and the children turn from happy, smiling angels into snarling, growling, vicious beasts. Food, sleep, clean diapers, bottles.... just do it all!!!!
Not to mention the toll it starts to take on a marriage. It'll make ya or break ya. Not sure which one we are yet.....
Am I the only mother that goes through this???