Crazy is the craziness that describes our crazy lives. Don't over analyze that one, I'm tired.
Kloey threw a tantrum today in the grocery store. And I realized we have a problem, well I have a problem. She's adorable. That's not super problematic but let's be honest when you're trying to teach them to not throw tantrums and what not, it can be a concern. See, Kourtney has always been adorable, it is true, but I knew all of her little games from the start and she doesn't really know how to play the "cute" card. Girl gets it honestly, I've never been able to "cute" my way out of anything.
So, we're in the store and Klo decides she would very much appreciate it if we would hold her, thank you very much. So she ever so cutely and adorably holds out her arms for me to pick her up and gives me this heart melting smile. But I've got shopping to do so I just give her a kiss and tell her that she's just going to have to sit in the cart. So she tries again... and again and again and again. Stubborn thing!
When she finally realizes that I am not giving in she starts crying and kicking. What?!! No no no. This can't be right, you think, it must have been Kourtney. Nope. Kloey is crying and kicking and DEMANDING that she be picked up and held this very instant. RIGHT NOW, if you wouldn't mind, please! oy.
Jordan picks her up. Whatever, he prevented my headache. She stops crying immediately and starts her grinning and giggling and "I'm ever so happy all of the time" thing. What?!! oy.
Anyway, we couldn't set her down AT ALL! She had to be held the entire time. And let's be honest, this phase would be much easier if she would have started it when she wasn't big and squirmy. Like... when she was the size of a nine month old perhaps.
As I'm loading the groceries she starts it all over again. She is bucking and screaming and hollering because she wants me to hold her, she doesn't want to be in the car seat. Oh. My. Goodness. I had to open a bag of chips and start shoving them into her hands for her to finally stop. Dear gracious!
Anyhoo, thankfully the chips kept her occupied during the ride home. We had cereal for dinner. I had a headache. And they like it. Whatever.
(Klo and my sister Erin)
As far as the writing books part of my title goes, I am doing just that. I have no idea how to get a book published but we'll think of that a little later I suppose. It is a book that will go through my very realistic experience with Kloey. My feelings, her road bumps, our triumphs, you name it. My goal is to raise awareness. People need to know that Down Syndrome is not something to fear. People also need to know that I did fear it and it took me quite a while to come to terms with it. I am only human and those feelings were incredibly natural. I have already started said book and will be posting snippets of it throughout next month. Be excited! October is Down Syndrome Awareness month and we will be doing a blog post every. single. day!!!!!!
Much love!!!!