Kourtney has been sick for 4 days! The first two days weren't really too bad... just a bit of the sniffles. Then... BOOM! She ran a fever allll day long yesterday and woke up with one today. (It's starting to go away I believe). I haven't slept well in nights. Exhaustion is running my body. Luckily, this baby inside of me is pretty calm and likes to stay "out of my way". I hardly remember that I'm pregnant sometimes. I have my pains from Fibromyalgia and some problems with my sciatic nerve... that's never fun. Other than that I'm great.
... Until this morning that is. I woke up at 4 am asking Jordan to please go get me some medicine as I was too sick to get out of bed one more stinkin' time. BRILLIANT! Now we're both sick. I'm just glad that it's not Jordan. Poor thing already sliced his finger open and got stitches on Saturday... let's not add to his pain... I don't like to see him in any pain.
I'm finding that I'm really really missing my healthy, happy daughter. Her happiness makes me happy. Her laughter lifts my spirits. Her smile melts my heart. I'm beside myself right now, wondering what to do for her, if I'm helping her, what she's feeling. (I was almost glad that it hit me this morning.. now I do somewhat know what she's feeling.) She's been refusing to eat lately. I've been so worried. So, when she woke up at 10 pm last night saying she was hungry I nearly did a jig in the middle of my living room! I took it as a good sign. A sign of the beginning of recovery. She ate 2 clementine oranges and a bowl of cheerios. I almost wept with joy. Yes... I'm not lying... wept. Yet, I had to sleep upstairs on the couch with her until she was comfortable enough to venture back to her own bed (at 3 am) Needless to say... I didn't sleep much/well last night. But hey! By the 4th night you're a bit used to it right? Used to it or not, it still sucks.
Currently, the sickling sleeps. Me.. I just pray that her neverending stream of snot and boogers will soon come to a HALT! Poor thing.
AH. The life of a mother. These past few days have been tough. Yet, I find that I am still incredibly happy with my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. Snot streams and all. :)