Saturday, October 8, 2016

I'm so late tonight....

(From when my Kloey was just 3 months old)

I was reading in this book that my mother sent to me called, Gifts:Mothers Reflect on How Children With Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives. It is a compilation of stories from women all over the place that have at least one child with down syndrome and how they feel about it and cope with it. One of the mothers shared a story about a couple who had their first baby. The doctor came in and informed them that the baby had Down Syndrome and esophageal problems. He was going to require surgery that had a mortality rate of 50%. He then said that children "like this" never amount to anything and become mere blobs so the surgery really would be for no reason. Basically it wasn't worth trying to save this child. AND THE PARENTS LISTENED TO HIM!!! They decided to not only not do the surgery but to withhold all nourishment. STARVE THEIR CHILD! The case went to trial and all the way up to the supreme court. Rather than say that the child had a right to go to a family that wanted to adopt it they ruled in favor of the parents' decision. The newborn baby boy was never given a name, never held tenderly by anyone that would love him, and never fed. He was put into isolation and starved. He died 7 days after birth. Because he was different he was killed. Are there really people out there that are so afraid of something/someone different that they would rather them die?!!
I know that this story is very sad and I do try to stay away from that on my blog but some things I feel just need to be shared. Of the women that get a positive prenatal test for down syndrome almost 90% of those women will choose to terminate their pregnancy. I found this extremely shocking.
My child is a joy. She reminds me a lot of my first daughter. Kourtney absolutely adores her little sister. She looks darling in her little clothes and we all enjoy dressing her up and putting flowers in her "hair". She calms at my touch and the sound of my voice. She eats like a little piggy sometimes. She has helped us to realize that different is good.. and pretty much the same. Different is not something to fear. Different is something to learn from. Take what is "different" and choose to grow from it. Choose to be the DIFFERENCE in a world that is so afraid of "different".

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