Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Stellar spirits

If you are a Latter Day Saint (mormon) like myself, you will have possibly heard Elder Russel M. Nelson say this, "Stellar spirits are often housed in imperfect bodies". And really, we obviously know that this is true. And it is something that is widely misunderstood. People believe that being "normal" is the way to be. And quite frankly I am a little jealous of my Klo. Let's face it, I wish that I could be so happy, spiritual, and protected from many worldly things. It is true that Kloey will experience her fair share of ridicule and resentments and just plain ignorance from others, but she will continue to have that "stellar spirit". 

When I was pregnant with Kloey, while I was very afraid, I was also very calm and peaceful. When I was pregnant with Kourtney I was kind of a crazy hormonal witch, very opinionated and very stubborn. Kourtney turned out to be a real challenge of my patience, very opinionated and very stubborn. See where I'm going with this? While pregnant with Klo I was kind (for the most part), loving, gentle, and soft spoken. And trust me, I am not normally that way. Turns out, Kloey is exactly that way.

People are drawn to her. It's like she's a celebrity when we go out in public. Random people will want to come up, smile at her, say hello, touch her, and love her. They don't personally know her, but they tend to recognize how special she is. Not every encounter we've had is positive of course, but a lot of them are.

Heavenly Father has a special place in his heart for these "stellar spirits...housed in imperfect bodies". I know that with everything that I am. I have been entrusted with one of these stellar spirits. And I am eternally grateful for that. Much love everyone!!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you for your sweet post! I was born with symbrachydactyly and am now 19 years old and have lived a life long trial of not having a left hand. But, i have come so close to my savior with this challenge and i know that i was born this way because he loves me. He loves your children so much and is so very aware of yours and your children's needs. I am so grateful for this gospel and the hope it brings. Thank you for your post!! It was a sweet reminder for me to not be discouraged. :)

Unknown said...

This is SO true! For reasons they may not understand, people immediately fall in love with kloey at first sight. I know I did! SHE'S AN ANGEL!

Angie said...

I find it interesting about your personality differences with your pregnancies! I can say that's not a lie folks! Got to witness both of them! ;) But I find it interesting how that works. My mom used to say she ate a TON of carrots with me, and that's my favorite veggie! With my sister it was strawberries, guess what her favorite fruit is! And the irony to it all was with my brother she craved chocolate...which is his Achilles tendon! :) Interesting how even while in the womb children have an effect on their mommies. My brain is thoroughly amazed with that. More proof that life starts at conception...not that I wanted to turn this comment into a political one, but really how else could you explain that?

Stephanie said...

I LOVE the responses here!!!