Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just seven more?!!!

Wow. I cannot believe that we are down to just one week of posts for the lovely Down Syndrome Awareness Month. What I can say is that I will take a break from blogging for a bit after this week is finished. What with a move and all... I think I will need to focus on putting my household together. Boy am I a bit stressed.

Anyhoo. So, I think that today I will focus on how people with Downs feel about having Downs. I know that the common tendency is to think, "oh, how sad for them". But really... it's not sad. Do they look sad? Do they look miserable? Heck no! Jordan's father shared with me a very touching story when Kloey was about 3 weeks old. He said that there was a teenage girl attending their church that had Down Syndrome. One Sunday she got up to speak in the meeting. She began her talk with this simple statement, "I am glad I am me". In that moment I realized something. I realized that Kloey is happy to be Kloey. Just as Tiffany Mae (I was her camp counselor when I was a teenager) was thrilled to be Tiffany Mae.

People may think that those that have Down Syndrome are not mature.. they're not smart... they don't understand... they have a hard time dealing with things.... they are too different... and so on. But they don't think that. They are simply who they are. They, like all of us, try to do their best and be their best. No one should be unhappy because they are who they are. We should all be grateful for the talents and abilities that we have been blessed with. No two people are alike. It is important to remember that. Do not be sad for someone that you think is less fortunate than yourself. Whether it's an extra chromosome, a physical disability or what have you... they are happy to be them. Be happy they are them. Be happy you are you. Be happy that everyone in this world is unique.


PB and JS said...

Love the top picture. Such a sassy pose.

Angie said...

Look at her sitting pretty and POSING!!! HAHA!! Girl, you've got your hands full with these sassy diva's you're raising!!! :)